The churches of Christ Greet You (Romans 16:16)



1 Dear Theophilus,
The first book which I wrote (* Luke) was about everything that Jesus did and taught, 2 from the
beginning until the day when he was carried up into heaven. He talked to the apostles whom he
had chosen. Through the Holy Spirit, Jesus told them what they must do. 3 After his death, he
showed that he was alive. Jesus proved this by doing many convincing things. The apostles saw
him several times during 40 days. Jesus was talking about the kingdom of God. 4 Once when he
was together with them, he ordered them not to leave Jerusalem. He said, "Wait here for the
Father's promise that you heard me talk about (* the Holy Spirit - see John 14:26: 16:13). 5 John
immersed people in water, but in a few days you will be immersed in the Holy Spirit."

The Holy Spirit will Come

     6 The apostles were all together. They asked Jesus, "Lord, is this the time for you to rebuild
the kingdom for Israel?"

     7 Jesus said to them, "The Father is the only One who has the authority to decide such dates
and times. It is not for you to know these things.  8 However, when the Holy Spirit comes upon
you, you will receive power. You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all of Judea, in Samaria,
and to the farthest parts of the world."

Jesus Goes Back to Heaven

     9 After Jesus said these things, he was lifted up into the sky. While the apostles were watching,
Jesus went into a cloud; they couldn't see him anymore. 10 As Jesus was going away, the apostles
were staring into the sky. Suddenly, two angels (* literally, men) stood beside them. They were
dressed in white clothes. 11 The two angels said, "Men from Galilee, why are you standing here
looking into the sky? This Jesus who was carried away from you into heaven will return in the
same way that you saw him go."

They Were All Together

     12 Then the apostles went back to Jerusalem from Olive Mountain. (This mountain is about
three-quarters of a mile [* literally, a Sabbath day's journey - see Exodus 16:29; Numbers 35:5;
Joshua 3:4] from Jerusalem). 13 The apostles entered the city. They went to the place where they
were staying; this was in an upstairs room. The apostles were:

                        James (the son of Alphaeus)
                        Simon (known as the Revolutionary) [* literally, Zealot. The Zealots were a group
                                   of Jewish men--political fanatics--who claimed to uphold the law of
                                 Moses, even if it meant violence. They favored revolt against Rome].
                        Judas (the son of James).

     14 They were all constantly praying with the same purpose. Jesus' brothers, some women, and
Mary (the mother of Jesus) were also there.

Someone Needed to Replace Judas Iscariot

     15 During those days there was a meeting. (There were about 120 people present). Peter
stood up among them and said, 16-17 "Brothers and sisters, the Scriptures must come true which
the Holy Spirit spoke ahead of time through David's lips. He was talking about Judas Iscariot who
was one of our group; he had a part in this work. The Spirit said that Judas would guide men to
arrest Jesus. 18 Judas was paid money for doing this. (However, Judas fell on his head, and his
body broke open in the middle. All of his intestines poured out). His dishonest money was used to
buy a field for his body. 19 All of the people who lived in Jerusalem learned about this. That is
why they named that field Akeldama. (In their language Akeldama means 'Blood Land'). 20 In the
book of Psalms, this is written about Judas:

              'People should not go near his property; No one should live there!'   Psalm 69:25
               'Let another man take his work of overseeing.'  Psalm 109:8

     21-22 "So now another man must join us and be a witness that Jesus arose from death. This
man must be one of those men who was part of our group during the whole time that the Lord
Jesus was among us. It is necessary that this man has been with us from the time when John
started to immerse people, until the day when Jesus was carried away from us to heaven."

     23 They found two men. One was Joseph Barsabbas. (He was also called Justus). The other
man was Matthias.

     24-25 The apostles prayed, "Lord, You know the hearts of all men. Show us which one of
these two men You choose to be an apostle and to do this work. Judas turned away from it and
went where he belongs." 26 Then the apostles gave the two men lots (* a reverent way of seeking
God's help in this decision - see Proverbs 16:33). The lots showed that Matthias was the one.  So,
he became an apostle like the other eleven.

The Apostles Speak Many Languages

2 When the day of Pentecost (* Pentecost [a Sunday], a yearly Jewish feast of the wheat harvest,
held 50 days after Passover) came, they were all with the same purpose in one place. 2 Suddenly,
a noise came from the sky. It sounded like a strong wind blowing. This noise filled the whole
house where they were sitting. 3 They saw something which looked like flames of fire separating
and staying over each one of them. 4 They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and they began to
speak different languages; the Spirit was giving them the power to do this.

     5 There were some devout Jewish men staying in Jerusalem at this time. These men were from
every country in the world. 6 A large group of them came together because they heard the noise.
They were confused. The apostles were speaking, and every man heard in his own language. 7
The Jewish people were all amazed at this. They didn't understand how the apostles could do this.
They said, "Look! These men whom we hear speaking are all from Galilee! (* These were natives
of Palestine who would not be expected to know many languages). 8 But each of us is hearing
them in our own native language. We are:

               9 Parthians
                  those living in Mesopotamia
                  from Judea
                  from Cappadocia
                  from Pontus
                  from Asia (* This is not the modern continent of Asia. It is the country of Turkey).
              l0 from Phrygia
                  from Pamphylia
                  from Egypt
                  from parts of Libya around Cyrene
                  visitors from Rome
             11 Cretans

Some of us were born Jews. Others are converts to Judaism. We can hear these men in our own
languages! We can all understand the wonderful things they are saying about God." 12 The people
were all amazed but confused. They asked each other, "What does this mean?" 13 Other people
were laughing at the apostles. They were claiming that the apostles were drunk.

Peter Preaches

     14 Then Peter stood up with the other eleven apostles. He spoke loudly (* literally, raised his
voice): "My Jewish brothers and all of you who are staying in Jerusalem, listen to me. I will tell
you something you need to know. Listen carefully. 15 These men are not drunk, as you think; it is
only nine o'clock in the morning! 16 This is the same thing which God said through the prophet

      17 "God says: In the last days,
               I will pour out of My Spirit upon all people.
               Your sons and your daughters will prophesy.
                    Your young men will see visions.
                    Your old men will have special dreams.
     18 At that time, I will pour out of My Spirit upon My servants,
             both men and women, and they will prophesy.
     19 I will show amazing things in the sky above.
             I will do miracles on the earth below.
             There will be blood, fire, and thick smoke.
     20 The sun will be changed into darkness
              and the moon will become red like blood.
          Then the great and glorious day of the Lord will come.
     21 And every person who trusts in the name of the Lord will be saved."  Joel 2:28-32

     22 "Men of Israel, listen to these words: Jesus from Nazareth was a very special man. God
clearly showed this to you. God proved this by the powerful and amazing things which He did
through Jesus among you. You know this is true. 23 You killed this man Jesus by handing him
over to lawless men. They nailed him to a cross. But God knew ahead of time that all this would
occur; it was part of His plan which He made long ago. 24 Jesus suffered the pains of death, but
God set him free. God raised Jesus up from death. It was impossible for death to hold him. 25
This is what David said about Jesus:

                     'I always saw the Lord before me,
                         because He is at my right side to keep me secure.
          26 So, my heart was glad and my mouth spoke with joy.
                   Yes, even my body will live with hope,
          27 because You won't abandon my soul in death (* literally, Hades,
                             the Greek word for the unseen world of the dead).
                   You will not allow the body of Your holy one to decay in the grave.
          28 You taught me how to live.
               You came near me, and I felt great joy.'    Psalm 16:8-11

     29 "My Jewish brothers, I can tell you plainly about David, our ancestor. He died and was
buried. His grave is still here with us today. 30 David was a prophet. God vowed to David that
one of his descendants (Christ) would sit upon David's throne. 31 David knew this before it took
place. That is why David said this:

                 'He will not be left in death (*literally, Hades, the
                                Greek word for the unseen world of the dead).
              His body will not decay in the grave.'  Psalm 16:10

David was talking about the Messiah rising from death. 32 So Jesus, not David, is the one whom
God raised from death! We are all eye-witnesses of this! 33 Jesus was lifted up to heaven. Now
Jesus is with God--at His right side. The Father has now given the promise of the Holy Spirit to
Jesus. So now, Jesus poured out this which you see and hear. 34 David did not go up to heaven.
It was Jesus. David himself said:

                       'The Lord God said to my Lord (* In the Hebrew text of Psalms, the first "Lord"
                                                    is Yahweh; the second "Lord" is Adonai, referring to Christ).
                       "Sit at My right side
                  35 until I put your enemies under your feet" ' (* in your control).   Psalm 110:1

     36 "Therefore, all the people of Israel can be sure of this one thing: God has made Jesus both
Lord and Messiah, this man whom you nailed to the cross!"

     37 When the people heard this, they felt a sharp, cutting pain in their conscience. They asked
Peter and the other apostles, "What should we do, brothers?"

     38 Then Peter answered, "Change your hearts and each one of you must be immersed by the
authority of Jesus the Messiah (* or, Jesus Christ), so that your sins may be forgiven. Then you
will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39 This promise is for you and for your children. It is also
for people who are far away (* See Ephesians 2:13), for everyone whom the Lord our God may

     40 Peter was warning them with many other words; he was encouraging them, saying, "Be
saved from this twisted generation of people!" 41 Then those people who accepted what Peter
said were immersed. On that day, about 3,000 people were added to the group of believers. 42
After this, the believers dedicated themselves to learning the teaching of the apostles, to sharing
with each other, to eating the supper of the Lord (* literally, "broke bread," an idiom usually
referring to the Lord's supper), and to prayer.

The Group Grows

     43 God was using the apostles to do many powerful and amazing things; every person felt
great respect for God. 44 All of the believers stayed together. They shared everything. 45 They
sold their property and the things they owned and they were dividing the money, giving it to
anyone who needed it. 46 Every day the believers met together with the same purpose in the
temple courtyard. They ate together in their homes, eating their food with joyful hearts. They
were very happy. 47 The believers were praising God. All of the people liked them. More and
more people were being saved every day; the Lord was adding them to the congregation.

The Healing of the Lame Man

3 One day Peter and John went up to the temple courtyard. It was three o'clock in the afternoon.
(This was the time for prayer). 2 A man was there who had been crippled all his life. He couldn't
walk, so some friends carried him to the temple every day. They put him beside one of the gates
outside the temple. It was called Beautiful Gate. There the man begged for money from the people who were going into the temple area. 3 When he saw Peter and John about to go in, he began to ask them for money. 4 They looked straight at the crippled man and answered, "Look at us!" 5 He looked at them, thinking that they might give him some money. 6 But Peter said, "I don't have any silver or gold, but I do have something else I can give you: By the authority of Jesus the Messiah (* or, Jesus Christ) from Nazareth--walk!" 7 Then Peter took hold of the man's right hand and lifted him up. Immediately, the man's feet and legs became strong. 8 He jumped up and stood on his feet and he began to walk around. He went into the temple courtyard with them. He was walking and jumping and praising God. 9-10 All of the people recognized him. The people knew he was the beggar who always sat by the temple's Beautiful Gate. Now they saw him walking and praising God. They were shocked and amazed. They couldn't understand how this could have happened.

Peter Speaks to the People

     11 The crippled man who was healed was holding onto Peter and John. All of the people were
stunned. They ran to Peter and John at Solomon's Porch (* a covered court on the east side of the
temple complex. The Beautiful Gate opened to it). 12 When Peter saw this, he said to the people,
"Men of Israel, why are you surprised at this? You are staring at us as though our power made this man walk. Do you think this was done because we are good? 13 No! God did it! He is the God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob--the same God of all our ancestors. He gave glory to Jesus, His special servant, but you handed Jesus over to evil men. You rejected him in front of Pilate after Pilate had already decided to let him go free. 14 Jesus was holy and innocent, but you said you didn't want him. You told Pilate to give you a murderer (* Barabbas) instead of Jesus. 15 And so, you killed the one who gives life, but God raised him from death. We saw this with our own eyes. 16 It was the authority of Jesus which made this crippled man well. This happened because we trusted in the power of Jesus. You can see this man and you know him. He was made completely well because of trusting in Jesus. You all saw it happen!

     17 "My brothers, I know you did those things to Jesus, because you didn't know what you
were doing. Your leaders did not understand, either. 18 God said that these things would happen.
All of the prophets who spoke for God long ago said that His Messiah would suffer and die. I
have told you how God made this happen. 19 So, change your hearts! Come back to God, so that
He may wipe out your sins. Then the Lord will give you times of spiritual rest. 20 He will send
you the Messiah—Jesus, who before was preached to you. 21 But Jesus must stay in heaven until
the time when all things will be made whole again. God told about these things long ago when He
spoke through His holy prophets. 22 Moses said,

                 'The Lord your God will raise up a prophet for you
                  who is like me. He will come from among your
                  own people. You must obey everything he tells you.
             23 If any person does not obey that prophet, he will
                  die, cut off from God's people.'  Deuteronomy 18:15-16, 19

24 Samuel and all of the other prophets after Samuel who spoke for God talked about these days.
25 You are the sons of the prophets. You have received the agreement which God made with
your ancestors. God said to Abraham, your ancestor,
                 'I will bless all nations of the earth. I will use
             one of your descendants to do this.'   Genesis 22:18

     26 God has raised up His son Jesus (* See Isaiah 53:11; 42:1; Matthew 12:15-21). God sent
him to you first, to bless you by turning each one of you away from doing evil things."

Peter and John Speak to the Jewish Leaders

4 While Peter and John were speaking to the people, some men came to them. There were some
Jewish priests, the officer of the temple police, and some Sadducees. 2 They were upset, because
the two apostles were teaching the people. Peter and John were preaching that people can rise
from death through the power of Jesus. 3 They arrested Peter and John and put them in jail. It
was already evening, so they kept Peter and John in jail until the next day. 4 But, many of the
people who had heard Peter and John preach believed the things that they said. There were now
about 5,000 men in the group of believers.

     5 The next day the Jewish leaders, the elders, and the teachers of the law met in Jerusalem. 6
Annas (who was the high priest), Caiaphas, John, Alexander and everyone from the high priest's
family were there, 7 They made Peter and John stand in the center. The Jewish leaders asked them
again and again, "How did you make this crippled man well? What name did you use? By whose
authority did you do this?"

     8 Then Peter was filled with the Holy Spirit. He said to them, "You elders and leaders of the
people: 9 Are you questioning us today about the good thing which was done to this crippled
man? Are you asking us who made him well? l0 We want all of you and all the people of Israel to
know that this man was made well by the authority of Jesus from Nazareth, the Messiah (* or,
Jesus Christ)! Although you nailed him to the cross, God raised him from death. This man who
was crippled is now well and able to stand here before you because of Jesus! 11 Jesus,
                       'the stone (* this refers to Jesus) which you builders thought was worthless,
                             has become the cornerstone.'  Psalm 118:22

12 Jesus is the only one who can save people. His authority is the only power given to the world
by which we can be saved."

     13 The Jewish leaders saw that Peter and John were not afraid to speak. They were amazed
because they understood that the two men had no education or training. Then they realized that
Peter and John had been with Jesus. 14 When they saw the man standing there beside the two
apostles--that he was healed--they could find nothing to say against the apostles. 15 So, the
Jewish leaders ordered them to go outside. The Jewish Council wanted to talk among themselves.
16 They asked, "What shall we do with them? Everyone who lives in Jerusalem knows that these
men have performed a great miracle! That is clear. We cannot deny it. 17 However, we must
make them afraid to talk to anyone about this man. Then this problem will not spread among the

     18 So, the Jewish leaders called Peter and John in again. They warned the apostles not to say
anything or to teach anything by the authority of Jesus. 19 But Peter and John answered them,
"What do you think is right? What would God want? Should we obey you or God? 20 We are not
able to be silent. We must tell people about the things we saw and heard." 21-22 The Jewish
leaders could not find a way to punish the apostles, because all of the people were praising God
for what had been done. (This miracle was a proof from God. The man who was healed was more
than 40 years old)! So, the Jewish leaders threatened them again and then let them go free.

A Time for Prayer

     23 Peter and John left the meeting of the Jewish leaders and went to their own group. They
told the group everything which the most important priests and the Jewish elders had said to
them. 24 When they heard this, they prayed to God with one purpose, "Master, You are the God
who made the land, the sea, the sky, and everything in the world. 25 Our ancestor, David, was
Your servant. With the help of the Holy Spirit he wrote these words:

                      'Why were the nations so mad?
                          Why did the people of the world plan things against God?
                      That is hopeless!
                 26 Why did the kings and the rulers of the earth,
               come together against the Lord God and against His Messiah?'  Psalm 2:1-2

     27 "These words came true when Herod Antipas, Pontius Pilate, the nations of the world, and
the Jewish people all 'came together' against Jesus here in Jerusalem. Jesus is Your holy servant,
the one You made Messiah. 28 These people who 'came together' against Jesus made Your plan
come true; it happened because of Your power and Your will. 29 And now, Lord, listen to what
they are saying. They are trying to make us afraid! Lord, we are Your servants. Help us to speak
the things You want us to say without fear. 30 Show your power: make sick people well, give
proofs, and cause miracles to take place by the power of Jesus, Your holy servant."

     31 After the believers prayed, the place where they were meeting shook. They were all filled
with the Holy Spirit and they began to speak God's message without fear.

The Believers Share

     32 The group of believers were joined in their hearts and they were united in spirit. No one in
the group said that the things he had were his own. Instead, they shared everything. 33 The
apostles used great power to give evidence that the Lord Jesus had been raised from death. All of
the believers felt very thankful for God's great blessings. 34 They all received the things they
needed. Everyone who owned fields or houses sold them. Then they brought the money 35 and
gave it to the apostles. Each person was given the things he needed.

     36 One of the believers was named Joseph. The apostles called him Barnabas. (This name
means "a person who encourages others"). He was a Levite (* a member of the tribe of Levi. It
included the priests and their helpers) born in Cyprus. 37 Joseph owned a field. He sold it and
brought the money and gave it to the apostles.

5 There was a man named Ananias. His wife's name was Sapphira. Ananias sold some land which
he had 2 and, from the sale, he gave some of the money to the apostles.  But, he kept back part of
the money for himself. His wife knew this (* She conspired with her husband. Ananias wanted
everyone to think he and his wife had given all the money). 3 Peter asked him, "Ananias, why did
you let Satan fill your heart? You lied to the Holy Spirit. You misused the sale price of the land. 4
Before you sold the field, it belonged to you. Even after you sold it, you could have used the
money any way you wanted. Why did you think of doing this evil thing? You lied to God, not to
men!" 5-6 When Ananias heard these words, he fell down and died. Some young men came and
wrapped up his body. Then they carried it out and buried it. Everyone who heard about this was
filled with fear.

     7 About three hours later, the wife of Ananias came in, but she did not know what had
happened to her husband. 8 Peter said to her, "Tell me, how much money did you receive for your
field? Was it this much?" (* giving the amount Ananias had said. Then Peter would know if
Sapphira were lying).

     Sapphira answered, "Yes, that was all we got for the field."

     9 Peter asked her, "Why did you and your husband agree to test the Spirit of the Lord? Listen!
Do you hear those footsteps? The men who buried your husband are at the door! They will carry
you out in the same way." 10 At that moment Sapphira fell down at Peter's feet and died. The
young men came in and saw that she was dead. The men carried her out and buried her next to
her husband.11 The whole congregation and all of the other people who heard about these things
were filled with fear.

Power from God

     12 The apostles did many miracles and powerful things among the people. The apostles were
together in Solomon's Porch (* the temple of Herod the Great); they all had the same purpose. 13
None of the other believers dared to join the apostles, but all of the people were saying good
things about them. 14 And more and more people were added to the group of believers. 15
People began to bring their sick into the streets. They put their sick on little beds and mattresses
for Peter's shadow to touch them when he came by (* They thought that if the sick could be close
enough to Peter's shadow, this would be enough to heal them). 16 They were coming from all the
towns to Jerusalem. They brought their sick and those who were bothered by evil spirits. All of
these people were healed.

The Apostles are Arrested

     17 The high priest and all of his friends (a sect called the Sadducees) became very jealous. 18
They grabbed the apostles and put them in the public jail, 19 but, during the night, an angel of the
Lord opened the gates of the jail. The angel led the apostles outside and said, 20 "Go and stand in
the temple courtyard. Tell the people everything about this new life in Jesus." 21 When the
apostles heard this, they went into the temple courtyard. It was early in the morning. The apostles
began to teach the people.

     The high priest and his friends came together. They called a meeting of the Jewish leaders and
all the important older men of the sons of Israel. They sent some men to the jail to bring the
apostles to them. 22 When the guards came to the jail, they couldn't find the apostles there. So,
they went back and told this to the Jewish leaders. 23 They said, "The jail was shut and locked.
The guards were standing at the gates, but when we opened the doors, no one was in there!" 24
The captain of the temple guards and the most important priests heard this. They were confused.
They wondered, "What will happen because of this?" 25 Then another man came and told them,
"Listen! The men you had put in jail are standing in the temple courtyard. They are teaching the
people!" 26 Then the captain and his men went out and brought the apostles back. However, the
soldiers did not use force, because they were afraid of the people. The people might become
angry and kill the soldiers with stones.

     27 The soldiers brought the apostles to the Jewish Council and made them stand before their
leaders. The high priest questioned the apostles. 28 He said, "We warned you never to teach with
this man's authority, but look what you've done! You have filled Jerusalem with your teaching.
You are trying to put the blame on us for the death of this man Jesus."

     29 Peter and the other apostles answered, "We must obey God, not men! 30 The God of our
ancestors raised up Jesus from death. He is the one you killed, having hung him upon a cross of
wood. 31 Jesus is the one whom God raised to His right side to be our leader and savior. God did
this, so that Israel could have the opportunity to change their hearts. Then God could forgive their
sins. 32 We saw all of these things happen. The Holy Spirit has shown you that we are telling you
the truth! God has given the Spirit to those who obeyed Him."

     33 When the Jewish leaders heard these words, they became very angry. They started to make
plans to kill the apostles. 34 One of the Pharisees in the Jewish Council stood up. His name was
Gamaliel. He was a teacher of the law and all of the people respected him. He ordered the men to
take the apostles outside for a few minutes. 35 Then he said to them, "Men of Israel, be careful of
what you are about to do to these men! 36 Remember when Theudas appeared? He claimed that
he was an important man. About 400 men joined him, but he was killed. And all of the men who
followed him were scattered. They were never able to do anything. 37 Later, a man named Judas
came from Galilee. It was at the time of the registration (* See Luke 2:2). He also led a group of
followers away but he was destroyed and all his followers were scattered. 38 So now I tell you:
Stay away from these men! Let them alone. If this plan or this effort comes from men, it will fail.
39 But if this is from God, then you will not be able to stop them. You might even be fighting
against God Himself!"

     The Jewish leaders then agreed with what Gamaliel said. 40 They called in the apostles again.
They whipped the apostles and commanded them not to talk to the people ever again about the
name of Jesus. After that they let them go free. 41 The apostles left the Jewish Council, but they
were happy, because they were given the honor of suffering dishonor for the name of Jesus. 42
The apostles didn't stop teaching people. They kept on telling the people the Good News that
Jesus is the Messiah. Every day they did this in the temple courtyard and in each home.

Seven Men are Chosen

6 More and more people were becoming followers of Jesus. But during this same time, the
Greek--speaking Jewish followers had an argument with the Aramaic--speaking followers. They
claimed that their widows were not getting their share of the things which the widows received
each day. 2 The twelve apostles called the whole group of followers together. They said to them,
"It is wrong for us to quit teaching God's message to serve tables instead. 3 So, brothers, pick out
seven of your own men. They must be known to be full of wisdom and full of the Spirit. We will
confirm them to be over this work. 4 Then we will use all of our time to pray and to teach the
message of God."

     5 The whole group liked this idea. So, they chose these men:
              Stephen, a man of great faith and full of the Holy Spirit
              Nicolas, a man from Antioch who had become a Jew.

6 Then they put these men before the apostles, who prayed and placed their hands on them (* a
common practice when appointing people to special duties - Numbers 27:22-23)

     7 God's message was influencing more and more people. The group of followers in Jerusalem
became larger and larger. Even many of the Jewish priests were obedient to the faith.

Stephen Taken Prisoner

     8 Since Stephen was full of faith and power, he was working miracles among the people to
show great proofs from God. 9 But, some Jews stood up and argued with Stephen. They were
from a synagogue called "A Synagogue for Freed Men" [* freedmen or sons of men freed from
slavery]. (This synagogue was also for Jews from the cities of Cyrene and Alexandria). Jews from
Cilicia and Asia were with them. They all came and argued with Stephen, 10 but the Spirit was
helping Stephen speak with wisdom. His words were so powerful that the Jews could not argue
with him. 11 So they secretly paid some men to say, "We heard Stephen say some evil things
against Moses and against God!" 12 In this way, they stirred up the people, the Jewish elders, and
the teachers of the law. They became so angry that they came and grabbed Stephen. Then they
took him to the Jewish Council. 13 They brought some men into the meeting. These men were
told to tell lies about Stephen. The men said, "This man always says irreverent things against this
holy place (* the temple) and against the law of Moses. 14 We heard him say that Jesus from
Nazareth will destroy this place. He also said that Jesus will change the customs which Moses
passed down to us." 15 Everyone sitting in the Jewish Council stared at Stephen.  They saw that
his face looked like the face of an angel.

Stephen's Speech

7 Then the high priest asked Stephen, "Are these things true?"

     2 Stephen answered, "My Jewish fathers and brothers, listen to me. Our glorious God
appeared to Abraham, our ancestor, while he was in Mesopotamia. This was before he lived in
Haran. 3 God said to Abraham,
          'Leave your country and your relatives!
           Go to another country.
           I will show you where to go.'  Genesis 12:1

     4 So Abraham left the country of Chaldea and went to live in Haran. After Abraham's father
died, God sent him to this same land where you live now. 5 But God did not give Abraham any of
this land--not even a foot of it! God promised that in the future He would give this land to
Abraham and his descendants; it would belong to them. (This was before Abraham had any
children). 6 This is what God said to him: 'Your descendants will live as strangers in another
country. The people there will make them slaves and do evil things to them for 400 years (*
Stephen was using round numbers here. The total time was actually 430 years - see Exodus
12:40-41; Galatians 3:17).  7 I will judge that nation which will make them slaves.' And God also
            'After those things happen, your children will come
              out of that country to worship Me in this place.' Exodus 3:12

8 God made an agreement with Abraham; the sign was circumcision (* cutting off the foreskin of
the male sex organ, as a sign of God's agreement with Israel - see Genesis 17:9-14). And so, when
Abraham had a son, Abraham circumcised him when he was eight days old. His son's name was
Isaac. Isaac also circumcised his son Jacob and Jacob did the same for his sons. These sons later
became the twelve fathers (* literally, patriarchs - Genesis 35:22-26).

     9 "These fathers, Joseph's brothers, became jealous of him. They sold Joseph to be a slave in
Egypt. But God was with him. 10 Joseph had many troubles there, but God rescued him from
them all. Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, liked Joseph and respected him, because of the wisdom
which God gave Joseph. Pharaoh gave Joseph the job of being governor of Egypt. He even
allowed Joseph to rule over all the people in Pharaoh's house. 11 But the whole land of Egypt and
the land of Canaan became dry. It became so dry that crops couldn't grow there. This made the
people suffer terribly. Our ancestors could find nothing to eat. 12 But Jacob heard that there was
wheat stored in Egypt. So he sent our ancestors (* See Genesis 42:1-3) there. (This was their first
trip to Egypt). 13 Then they went there a second time. On this visit, Joseph told his brothers who
he was. And, Pharaoh learned about Joseph's family. 14 Then Joseph sent some men to invite
Jacob, his father, to come to Egypt. He also invited all of his relatives (75 persons altogether). 15
So Jacob went down to Egypt. He and our ancestors died there. 16 Later their bodies were
moved to Shechem. They were placed in a grave there. (It was the same grave in Shechem that
Abraham had bought from the sons of Hamor. He paid them with silver).

     17 "In Egypt our nation grew larger in number. (The promise which God made to Abraham
was soon to come true). There were more and more of our people in Egypt. 18 Then a different
king began to rule over Egypt. He knew nothing about Joseph. 19 This king cheated our people.
He persecuted our ancestors; he forced them to put their babies outdoors to die. 20 During this
time, Moses was born. He was no ordinary baby. For three months they took care of Moses in his
father's house. 21 When they put Moses outside, Pharaoh's daughter took him in. She raised him
as if he were her own son. 22 The Egyptians taught Moses everything they knew. He was
powerful in the things he said and did.

     23 "When Moses was about 40 years old, he thought it would be good to visit his brothers, the
sons of Israel. 24 One day Moses saw an Egyptian man doing wrong to a Hebrew brother. So, he
defended him. Moses punished the Egyptian for hurting that brother. Moses hit the Egyptian so
hard that the man died. 25 Moses was thinking his brothers would understand that God was using
him to save them, but they did not understand. 26 The next day Moses saw two of the sons of
Israel fighting. He tried to make peace between them. He said, 'Men, you are brothers! Why are
you doing wrong to one another?' 27 The man who was doing wrong to the other man pushed
Moses away. He said to Moses, 'Who made you our ruler and judge? 28 Do you want to kill me,
as you killed the Egyptian man yesterday?' 29 When Moses heard him say this, he ran away from
Egypt. He went to live in the land of Midian where he was a stranger. While he lived there he had two sons.

     30 "After 40 years, Moses was in the desert on Mount Sinai. An angel of the Lord appeared to
him in the flame of a burning bush. 31 When Moses saw this, he was amazed. He went nearer to
look at it more closely. He heard a Voice; it was the Lord's. 32 The Lord God said, 'I am the same
God of your ancestors--the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.' Moses
began to shake with fear. He was afraid to look at the bush. 33 The Lord said to him, 'Take off
your shoes, because the place where you are now standing is holy ground. 34 I have seen My
people suffer much in Egypt. I have heard My people moaning. I have come down to rescue them.
And now, Moses, I am sending you back to Egypt.'

     35 "This Moses was the same man the people of Israel had rejected. They had asked him,
'Who made you a ruler and judge over us?' Moses is the same man whom God sent to be a ruler
and deliverer. God sent Moses with the help of an angel. This was the angel that Moses saw in the
burning bush.  36 So, Moses led the people out. He did powerful things and miracles in Egypt, at
the Red Sea (*  Sea of Reeds), and in the desert for 40 years. 37 This is the same Moses who said
these words to the sons of Israel: 'The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet who is like
me. He will come from among your own brothers. Listen to Him!’ 38 This is the same Moses who
was with the congregation in the desert at Mount Sinai. He was with the angel that spoke to him
and with our ancestors. There at Mount Sinai, Moses received commands from God which still
live. Moses gave us these commands.

     39 "But our ancestors didn't want to obey Moses. They rejected him. In their hearts, they
wanted to go back to Egypt. 40 Our ancestors said to Aaron, 'Make us some gods to lead us!
Moses brought us out of Egypt, but we don't know what has happened to him.' 41 So, the people
made an idol which looked like a calf. Then they brought sacrifices to it. The people were very
happy with what they had made with their own hands! 42 But God turned against them. He
stopped trying to change their hearts. They were worshiping the sun, the moon, and the stars.
This is what is written in the writings of the prophets; God says:

                'People of Israel, you killed animals
                    and offered sacrifices in the desert for 40 years,
                 but these sacrifices were not for Me.
           43 You carried with you the tent for Moloch
                    and the image of the star of your god, Rephan-
                 statues which you made to worship.
                    So, I will send you away beyond Babylon.' Amos 5:25-27

     44 "God spoke to our ancestors in a special tent; it was with the people in the desert. God
commanded Moses how to make this tent. He made it like the pattern which God showed him. 45
Later Joshua led our fathers to capture the lands of the other nations. Our people went in and God
drove those people out. When our people went into this new land, they took this same tent with
them. They had received it from their ancestors. They kept it until the time of David. 46 God was
very pleased with David. David asked God to allow him to build a house for Him, the God (*
Some manuscripts have "house" instead of "God") of Jacob, 47 but Solomon was the one who
actually built it.

     48 However, the Highest One does not live in houses which men build with their hands. This is
what the prophet Isaiah wrote:

              49 'The Lord God says, "Heaven is My throne.
                      The earth is a place to rest My feet.
                    What kind of house could you build for Me?
                      There is no place where I need to rest!
              50 Remember, I made all these things!" ' " Isaiah 66:1-2

     51 Stephen continued speaking: "You stubborn leaders! Your hearts are not circumcised! You
won't listen to God! You are always against what the Holy Spirit is trying to tell you. Your
ancestors did this, and you are just like them! 52 Your ancestors persecuted every prophet who
ever lived.Those prophets said long ago that the righteous one (* Jesus) would come, but your
ancestors killed the prophets. And now, you have turned against this righteous one and murdered
him. 53 You are the people who received the law of Moses, the commands which God gave
through the angels--but you don't obey the law!"

They Kill Stephen

     54 When the Jewish leaders heard Stephen say these things, they became very angry. They
were so mad that they were grinding their teeth at Stephen. 55 Stephen was full of the Holy
Spirit. He looked up into the sky and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at God's right side.
56 He said, "Look! I see heaven open. And, I see the Son of Man (* Jesus) standing at God's right

     57 Then they all shouted with a loud voice. They covered their ears with their hands. Together
they all ran at Stephen. 58 They took him out of the city to stone him to death. The men, who told
lies against Stephen, gave their robes to a young man named Saul (* Paul). 59 Then they began to
throw stones at Stephen, but Stephen was praying. He said, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit!" 60
He fell on his knees and shouted this: "Lord, don't blame them for this sin!" After Stephen said
that, he died.

     Saul approved of the killing of Stephen.

The Congregation Is Persecuted

8 1-3 Some good men buried Stephen. They cried very loudly for him (* It was a custom in
Palestine to cry long and loud when someone died - see Jeremiah 9:17-20). On that day there was
a fierce attack on the congregation in Jerusalem. Saul was also trying to destroy them. He even
went into their homes. He dragged out men and women and put them in jail. All of the believers
had to leave Jerusalem; only the apostles stayed there. The believers went to different places in
Judea and Samaria. 4 They were scattered everywhere. And everywhere the believers went, they
told people (* In the beginning, they thought that the message was given only to Jewish believers - including Samaritans and converts to Judaism) the Good News about Jesus.

Simon the Magician

     5 Philip (* not the apostle Philip, but rather, one of the seven men mentioned in Acts 6) went
to the city of Samaria. He was preaching about the Messiah. 6 The crowds there heard Philip and
they saw the miracles that he was doing. With a single purpose, they all listened very carefully to
the things Philip said. 7 Many of these people had evil spirits. The spirits came out of them; they
made a loud noise. There were also many paralyzed and crippled people. Philip healed them. 8
This made the people in that city very happy.

     9 However, there was in that city a man named Simon who did magic tricks before Philip
came. He amazed all the people of Samaria with these tricks. Simon boasted and called himself a
great man. 10 All of the people--the least important and the most important--had listened closely
to Simon. The people said, "This man is the power of God which is called 'The Great Power'!" 11
Simon had amazed the people with his magic tricks for so long that the people became his
followers. 12 But, Philip told the people the Good News about the kingdom of God and the
authority of Jesus the Messiah (* or, Jesus Christ). Men and women believed Philip and were
immersed. 13 Simon himself also believed and was immersed. Simon stayed near Philip. He
saw the miracles and the very powerful things which Philip did. Simon was amazed.

     14 The apostles were still in Jerusalem. They heard that the people of Samaria had accepted
God's message. So, the apostles sent Peter and John to the people in Samaria. 15 When Peter and
John arrived, they prayed for the Samaritan believers to receive the Holy Spirit. 16 (These people
had been immersed by the authority of the Lord Jesus, but the Holy Spirit had not yet come down
on any of them). [* Acts 2:38 and 5:32 show that they already had the Holy Spirit - Acts 6:5-8;
19:6]. 17 The two apostles put their hands on the people. Then the people received the Holy

     18 Simon saw that the gifts of the Spirit were given to people when the apostles put their
hands on them. So, Simon offered the apostles some money. 19 Simon said, "Give me this power
so that when I put my hands on a person, he will receive the Holy Spirit."

     20 Peter said to Simon, "You and your money should both be destroyed! You thought you
could buy God's gift with money. 21 Your heart is not right before God. You cannot have a part
with us or a share in this work. 22 Change your heart! Turn away from this evil thing which you
have done. Pray to the Lord God. Perhaps He will forgive you for thinking this in your heart. 23 I
can see that you are full of bitter jealousy and bound by sin."

     24 Simon answered, "Both of you pray to the Lord God for me! Pray that the things you have
said will not happen to me!"

     25 Then the two apostles told the people the things which they had seen Jesus do. The
apostles preached the message of the Lord. Then they went back to Jerusalem. On the way, they
went through many Samaritan villages and preached the Good News to the people.

Philip and the Ethiopian

     26 An angel of the Lord spoke to Philip. The angel said, "Get ready and go south. Go to the
road which leads down to the town of Gaza from Jerusalem--the road that isn't used much now."
27 So Philip got ready and went. On the road he saw a man from the country of Ethiopia. This
man was an important officer (* literally, a eunuch) in the service of Candace, the queen of the
Ethiopians. He was responsible for taking care of all her money. This man had gone to Jerusalem
to worship. 28 Now he was on his way home. He was sitting in his chariot and reading from the
book of Isaiah, the prophet. 29 The Spirit said to Philip, "Go to that chariot and stay near it." 30
So Philip ran toward it, and he heard the man reading aloud. He was reading from the prophet
Isaiah. Philip asked him, "Do you understand what you are reading?"

     31 The man answered, "How can I understand? I have no one to explain it to me!" Then he
invited Philip to climb in and sit with him. 32 He was reading this part of Scripture:

           "He was like a sheep when it is taken away to be killed.
              He was like a lamb which makes no sound
                 when someone cuts off its wool.
       33 He was shamed; all his rights were taken away.
               His life on earth was ended.
               There will be no story about his descendants." Isaiah 53:7-8

     34 The officer asked Philip, "Please, tell me, who is the prophet talking about? Is he talking
about himself or about someone else?" 35 Philip began to speak. He started with this same
Scripture and told the man the Good News about Jesus.

     36 While they were traveling down the road, they came to some water. The officer said,
"Look! Here is water! What is stopping me from being immersed?" 37 And Philip said, “If you
believe with all your heart, you may.” And he answered, “I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of
God." 38 Then the officer gave a command for the chariot to stop. Both Philip and the officer
went down into the water, and Philip immersed him. 39 When they came up out of the water, the
Spirit of the Lord took Philip away; the officer did not see him. The officer continued on his way
home. He was very happy. 40 Philip appeared in a town called Azotus (* ancient Ashdod. It is
next to the Mediterranean Sea, west of Jerusalem). He was preaching the Good News about Jesus
in all the towns along the way from Azotus to Caesarea.

Paul Meets Jesus

9 In Jerusalem Saul was still trying to scare the followers of the Lord Jesus, threatening to kill
them. So, he went to the high priest. 2 Saul asked him to write letters to the Jews of the
synagogues in the city of Damascus. Saul wanted the authority to find people in Damascus who
were followers of The Way. If he found any believers there, men or women, he would tie them up
and bring them back to Jerusalem.

     3 So, Saul went to Damascus. When he came near the city, a bright light from the sky
suddenly shined all around him. 4 Saul fell to the ground. He heard a voice saying to him: "Saul!
Saul! Why are you persecuting me?"

     5 Saul asked "Who are you, Lord?"

     The Lord answered, "I am Jesus. I am the one you are persecuting. By fighting me you are
only hurting yourself” (* literally, It is hard for you to kick against the pricks). 6 Saul was
trembling and afraid.  He asked, “What should I do, Lord?” The Lord answered, “Get up now and
go into the city. Someone there will tell you what you must do."

     7 The men traveling with Saul stood there. They said nothing. The men heard the voice, but
they saw no one. 8 Saul got up from the ground. He opened his eyes, but he couldn't see anything.
So, the men with Saul held his hand and led him into Damascus. 9 For three days, Saul could
not see; he didn't eat or drink.

     10 There was a follower of Jesus in Damascus. His name was Ananias (* There are three
different men named Ananias in Acts  - 5:1; 9:10; 23:2). The Lord Jesus spoke to Ananias
in a vision, saying: "Ananias!"

     Ananias answered, "Here I am, Lord."

     11 The Lord said to Ananias, "Get up and go to Straight Street. Find the house of Judas. Ask
for a man named Saul, from the city of Tarsus. He is there now, praying. 12 In a vision, a man
named Ananias came to him and put his hands on him, so that he could see again."

     13 But Ananias answered, "Lord, many people have told me about this man Saul. They told
me about how many terrible things he did to your holy people in Jerusalem. 14 Now he has come
to Damascus. The ruling priests have given him the authority to arrest all people who trust in your

     15 But the Lord Jesus said to Ananias, "Go! I have chosen Saul for an important work. He will
carry my name to kings, to the Jewish people, and to other nations. 16 I will show Saul the things
he must suffer for my name."

     17 So Ananias left and went to the house of Judas. He put his hands on Saul and said, "Saul,
my brother, the Lord Jesus sent me. He is the one you saw on the road when you came here. He
sent me, so that you may see again and so that you may be filled with the Holy Spirit." 18
Immediately, something which looked like fish scales fell off Saul's eyes. Saul could see again!
He got up and was immersed. 19 Then he ate some food and began to feel strong again.

Paul Preaches Jesus

     Saul stayed with the followers of Jesus in Damascus for a few days.

     20 Very soon he began to preach about Jesus in the synagogues, "Jesus is the Son of God!"

     21 Everyone who heard Saul was surprised. They were saying, "This is the same man who was
in Jerusalem. He was trying to destroy the people who trust in this name! He had come here to do
the same thing, to arrest the followers of Jesus and take them back to Jerusalem to the ruling

     22 But Saul became more and more powerful. He proved that Jesus is the Messiah. His proofs
were so strong that the Jewish leaders who lived in Damascus didn't know how to answer him.

Paul Escapes from Damascus

     23 After many days, the Jewish leaders made plans to kill Saul. 24 The Jews were watching
the city gates day and night. They wanted to kill him, but Saul learned about their plan. 25 One
night some followers helped him leave the city. The followers put him in a basket. Then they
lowered him down through a hole in the city walls (* He spent a part of this time in Arabia where
he received the gospel directly from Jesus - Galatians 1:17).

Paul Goes to Jerusalem

     26 Then Saul went to Jerusalem. He was trying to join the group of followers, but they were
all afraid of him; they didn't believe that Saul truly was a follower of Jesus, 27 but Barnabas
accepted him and brought him to the apostles. Barnabas told them that Saul had seen the Lord
Jesus on the road to Damascus. He explained to the apostles how the Lord had spoken to Saul.
Then he told them how in Damascus Saul had preached to the people in the name of the Lord
without fear. 28 And so, Saul stayed with the followers. He went everywhere in Jerusalem. 29 He
preached with the authority of the Lord Jesus without fear.  Saul often talked with the Jewish
people who spoke Greek. He had arguments with them. So, they were trying to kill him. 30 When
the brothers learned about this, they took Saul to the city of Caesarea. From Caesarea, they sent
Saul to the city of Tarsus.

    31 Everywhere in Judea, Galilee, and Samaria, God's people (* The Greek word is ekklesia)
had a time of peace. With the help of the Holy Spirit, the group became stronger and stronger.
The believers showed that they respected the Lord by the way they lived. Because of this, the
group of believers grew larger and larger.


     32 Peter was traveling through all of the towns around Jerusalem. He visited the holy people
who lived in the town of Lydda. 33 In Lydda he met a paralyzed man named Aeneas. Aeneas had
not been able to leave his bed for the past eight years. 34 Peter said to him, "Aeneas, Jesus Christ
(* or, Jesus the Messiah) heals you. Get up and make your bed! You can do this for yourself
now!" Aeneas got up immediately. 35 All of the people living in Lydda and on the plain of Sharon
saw him. These people turned to the Lord Jesus.


     36 In the town of Joppa, there was a follower of Jesus named Tabitha. (Her Greek name,
Dorcas, means "a deer"). She always did good things for people. She always gave to people in
need. 37 While Peter was in Lydda, Tabitha became sick and died. They washed her body and put
it in an upstairs room. 38 The followers in Joppa heard that Peter was in Lydda. (Lydda is near
Joppa) [* about a two and a half hour walk from Lydda to Joppa]. So, they sent two men to
Peter. They begged him, "Hurry, please come quickly!"

     39 Peter got ready and went with them.

     When he arrived, they took him to the upstairs room. All of the widows stood around Peter.
They were crying. They showed him the shirts and robes which Dorcas had made while
she was still alive.

     40 Peter sent everyone out of the room. He kneeled down and prayed. Then he turned to
Tabitha's body and said, "Tabitha, get up!" She opened her eyes. When she saw Peter, she sat up.
41 He gave her his hand and helped her stand up. Then he called the holy people and the widows
into the room. He showed them Tabitha; she was alive!

     42 People everywhere in Joppa learned about this. Many of these people believed in the Lord
Jesus. 43 Peter stayed in Joppa for many days. He stayed with a man named Simon who was a
leather-worker (* This was an unclean occupation to very strict Jews, but this did not seem to
bother Peter).


10 In the city of Caesarea there was a man named Cornelius. He was an officer in the "Italian"
regiment of the Roman army. 2 Cornelius was a good man. He and everyone who lived in his
home worshiped the true God. He gave much of his money to the poor people. Cornelius always
prayed to God. 3 One afternoon about three o'clock, Cornelius clearly saw a vision. In the vision,
an angel of God came to him and said, "Cornelius!"

     4 Cornelius stared at the angel. He became afraid and asked, "What do you want, sir?"

     The angel said to Cornelius, "God has heard your prayers. He has seen your gifts to the poor
people. God has not forgotten the things you have done. 5 Send some men now to the town of
Joppa. Send for a man named Simon. He is also called Peter. 6 Simon is staying with another man
named Simon, who is a leather-worker. He has a house beside the ocean. He will tell you what to
do.” 7 The angel who spoke to Cornelius left. Then Cornelius called two of his servants and a
soldier. This soldier was a good man. They always stayed close to Cornelius. 8 Cornelius
explained everything to these three men. Then he sent them to Joppa.

      9 The next day, these men came near Joppa. At that time, Peter was going up to the roof to
pray. It was about noon.10 Peter was hungry and wanted to eat. But while they were preparing
the food for Peter to eat, a vision came to him. 11 He saw something coming down through the
open sky. It looked like a big sheet coming down to the ground. It was being lowered to the
ground by its four corners. 12 Every kind of animal was in it--animals which walk on four feet,
wild animals, animals which crawl on the ground, and birds which fly in the air. 13 Then a voice
said to Peter, "Get up, Peter; kill any one of these animals and eat .

     14 But Peter said, "I would never do that, Lord! I have never eaten food which is unholy or
not pure."

     15 But the voice said to him the second time, "God has made these things pure. Don't call
them 'unholy'!" 16 This happened a third time. Then the whole thing was taken back up into the
sky again.

     17 Peter was wondering what this vision meant. Then the men whom Cornelius had sent found
Simon's house. They were standing at the gate.18 They asked, "Is Simon Peter staying here?"

     19 While Peter was still thinking about the vision, the Spirit said to him, "Listen, three men are
looking for you. 20 Get up and go downstairs. Go with these men and don't have any doubts. I
have sent them to you." 21 So, Peter went downstairs to the men sent from Cornelius. He said, "I
am the man you are looking for. Why did you come here?"

     22 The men answered, "A holy angel told Cornelius to invite you to his house. Cornelius is a
Roman army officer. He is a good man; he worships God. All of the Jewish people respect him.
The angel told Cornelius to invite you to his house, so that he may listen to the things you have to
say." 23 Peter asked the men to come in and stay for the night.

     The next day, Peter got ready and went away with the three men. Some of the Jewish brothers
from Joppa went with Peter. 24 The next day they came into the city of Caesarea. Cornelius was
waiting for them. He had already called in his relatives and close friends. 25 When Peter entered
the house, Cornelius met him. Cornelius fell down at Peter's feet and worshiped him. 26 But Peter
made him get up. Peter said, "Stand up! I am only a man, like you" (* Compare Revelation 22:8-
9). 27 Peter continued talking with Cornelius. Then Peter went inside and saw a large group of
people there. 28 Peter said to them, "You people understand that it is forbidden for a Jewish man
to associate with or visit any non-Jewish person. But God has shown me that I should not call any
person 'unholy' or 'unclean.' 29 That is why I didn't argue when the men invited me to come here.
Now, please tell me why you sent for me."

     30 Cornelius said, "Four days ago I was fasting until this same time. At three o'clock in the
afternoon I was praying in my house.  Suddenly, there was an angel standing before me. He was
dressed in shining clothes. 31 The man said, 'Cornelius! God has heard your prayer. He has seen
your gifts to the poor people. God has not forgotten the things you have done. 32 So, send
someone to the city of Joppa. Ask Simon Peter to come. Peter is staying in the house of another
man named Simon, who is a leather-worker. His house is beside the ocean. Peter will speak to
you when he comes.’ 33 So, I sent for you immediately. It was very good of you to come here.
Now we are all here in the presence of God. We want to hear everything that the Lord has
commanded you to tell us."

The Good News Is for Everyone!

     34 Peter began to speak, "Now I understand! God treats everyone the same. 35 God accepts
any person who worships Him and does what is right. It doesn't matter what race a person comes
from. 36 God has spoken to the sons of Israel. He sent them the Good News, that peace has come
through Jesus the Messiah, who is the Lord of all men! 37 You know what occurred all over
Judea. It began in Galilee after John preached to the people about immersion. 38 You know about
Jesus from Nazareth. God anointed him with the Holy Spirit and power. Jesus went everywhere
doing good things for people. He healed everyone who was ruled by the Devil. God was with
Jesus. 39 We saw all of the things that he did in Judea and in Jerusalem. But Jesus was killed; they
put him on a cross made of wood. 40 However, on the third day after his death, God raised Jesus
to life! God allowed a few people to see him clearly. 41 Jesus was not seen by all of the people;
only the witnesses whom God had already chosen--they saw him. We are those witnesses! We ate
and drank with Jesus after he was raised from death. 42 Jesus commanded us to preach to the
people. He told us to tell them that he is the one whom God chose to be the judge of all people,
living or dead. 43 Every person who commits himself to Jesus will be forgiven through the
authority of Jesus. All of the prophets say that this is true ...."

The Holy Spirit Comes upon Them

     44 While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit came upon all those people who
were listening to his speech. 45 The Jewish believers who came with Peter were amazed. They
were shocked because the gift of the Holy Spirit was poured out on people who were not Jewish.
46 These Jewish believers heard them speaking different languages and praising God. Then Peter
said, 47 "Can we refuse to allow these people to be immersed in water? They have received the
Holy Spirit the same as we did!" 48 So, Peter commanded that Cornelius and his relatives and
friends be immersed by the authority of Jesus the Messiah. Then they asked Peter to stay with
them for a few days.

Peter Explains

11 The apostles and the brothers in Judea heard that non-Jewish people had also accepted God's
message. 2 However, there were some Jewish believers who argued with Peter when he came
back to Jerusalem. 3 They said, "You went into the homes of men who are not Jewish! (* It was
forbidden for Jews to go into non-Jewish homes). You even ate with them!"

     4 Then Peter began to explain the whole story to them. 5 He said, "I was in the town of Joppa.
While I was praying, a vision came to me. In the vision, I saw something coming down from the
sky. It looked like a big sheet. It was being lowered to the ground by its four corners. It came
down and stopped very near to me. 6 After staring, I looked inside it and I saw animals, both
tame and wild. I saw animals which crawl and birds which fly in the air. 7 I heard a voice say to
me, 'Get up, Peter. Kill any of these animals and eat!' 8 But I said, 'I would never do that, Lord! I
have never eaten anything that is unholy or not pure.' 9 But the voice from the sky answered a
second time, 'God has made these things pure. Don't call them unholy!' 10 This happened a third
time. Then the whole thing was pulled back up into the sky. 11 Suddenly three men came to the
house where I was staying. These three men were sent to me from the city of Caesarea. 12 The
Spirit told me to go along with them without doubts. These six brothers here also went with me.
We went into the house of Cornelius. 13 Cornelius told us about the angel that he had seen
standing in his house. The angel said to him, 'Send someone to Joppa. Invite Simon Peter to
come. 14 He will tell you words by which you and everyone in your group will be saved.' 15 After
I began my speech, the Holy Spirit came upon them, the same as He did upon us in the beginning
(* See Acts 2:1-13). 16 Then I remembered the words of the Lord Jesus when he used to say:
'John immersed people in water, but you will be immersed in the Holy Spirit!' 17 God gave the
like gift to these people that He gave to us who believed in the Lord Jesus, the Messiah. So,
could I stop God?"

     18 When the group heard these things, they stopped arguing. They gave glory to God and
said, "Then God is allowing non-Jewish people to change their hearts and have life, too!"

The New Believers in Antioch

     19 The believers were scattered by the persecution which occurred after Stephen was killed (*
See Acts 7:59-8:3). Some of the believers went to places far away, like Phoenicia, Cyprus, and
Antioch in Syria. The believers told the message in these places, but they told it only to Jews. 20
However, some of these believers came to the city of Antioch. They were men from Cyprus and
Cyrene. These men were also talking to non-Jews (* This was the first time this ever happened),
telling them the Good News, that Jesus is Lord. 21 The Lord was helping the believers. A large
group of people believed and turned to the Lord.

     22 The congregation which was in Jerusalem heard about these new believers in Antioch in
Syria. So, the believers in Jerusalem sent Barnabas to Antioch. 23-24 Barnabas was a good man.
He was full of the Holy Spirit and full of faith. When Barnabas went to Antioch, he saw how
much God had blessed them. This made him very happy. He began to encourage all the believers
in Antioch. He told them, "Never lose your faith. Always obey the Lord with all your hearts." A
large number of people became followers of the Lord Jesus.

     25 Then Barnabas left for the city of Tarsus. He was looking for Saul. 26 When he found Saul,
Barnabas brought him to Antioch. Saul and Barnabas taught a large crowd. For a whole year they
met with the congregation. In Antioch, God called the followers of Jesus "Christians" for the first

     27 About that same time, some prophets went down from Jerusalem to Antioch. 28 Agabus
stood up and spoke. With the help of the Holy Spirit, he said, "A very bad time is coming to the
whole world. There will be very little food for people to eat." (This famine occurred during the
time when Claudius was Caesar) [* the title of the supreme Roman rulers. "Caesar" became the
title of each emperor. This must have happened about 43-44 A.D. Claudius became emperor in 41
A.D. and ruled until 54 A.D.]. 29 The followers of Jesus decided that they would all try to help
their brothers and sisters who lived in Judea. Each believer planned to send them as much as he
could. 30 They gathered the money and gave it to Barnabas and Saul. Then Barnabas and Saul
brought it to the elders in Jerusalem.

Peter is Put in Jail

12  During that same time, King Herod Agrippa I began to persecute some members of the
congregation. 2 He ordered that James be killed with a sword. (James was the brother of John). 3
Herod Saw that the Jewish leaders liked this. So he decided to arrest Peter, too. (This happened
during the time of the Feast of Unleavened Bread). [* A yearly feast when unleavened bread (no
yeast to make the bread rise) was eaten. It lasted seven days - see Leviticus 23:4-8].  4 Herod had
Peter arrested and put in jail. He turned Peter over to a group of 16 soldiers to guard him. Herod
wanted to wait until after the Passover Festival. Then he planned to bring Peter before the people.
5 So, Peter was kept in jail, but the congregation was constantly praying to God for Peter.

God Rescues Peter

     6 Peter was sleeping between two of the soldiers. He was bound with two chains. More
soldiers were guarding the jail entrance. It was at night, and Herod planned to bring Peter
out to the people the next day. 7 Suddenly an angel of the Lord stood there. A light shined in the
cell. The angel touched Peter on the side and woke him up. The angel said, "Hurry, get up!" Then
the chains fell off of Peter's hands. 8 The angel said to Peter, "Get dressed and put your shoes
on." So Peter did this. Then the angel said, "Put on your robe and follow me." 9 Then the angel
went out and Peter followed. Peter didn't know if the angel was really doing this. He kept thinking
that he might be seeing a vision. l0 Peter and the angel went past the first guard and the second
guard. Then they came to the iron gate which separated them from the city. The gate opened for
them by itself. Peter and the angel went through it and walked about a block. Then the angel
suddenly left.

     11 Then Peter realized what had happened. He thought, "Now I know that the Lord really did
send his angel to me. He rescued me from Herod and everything which the Jewish people were

     12 When Peter realized this, he went to Mary's house. She was the mother of John. (John was
also called Mark). Many people were gathered there; they were all praying. 13 Peter knocked on
the outside door. A servant girl named Rhoda came to answer it. 14 Rhoda recognized Peter's
voice. She was so happy she even forgot to open the door. Instead, she ran inside and told the
group. "Peter is at the door!”

     15 The believers said to Rhoda, "You are crazy!" But she kept insisting that it was true. So
they said, "It must be Peter's angel."

     16 Peter continued to knock. When the believers opened the door, they saw Peter. They were
amazed. 17 Peter made a sign with his hand to tell them to be quiet. He explained to them how
the Lord led him out of jail. He said, "Tell James and the other brothers what happened." Then
Peter left to go to another place.

     18 The next day the soldiers were very upset. They wondered what had happened to Peter. 19
Herod looked everywhere for Peter, but couldn't find him. Herod asked the guards many
questions and tortured them. Then he gave the order that the guards be killed.

Herod Dies

     Later Herod left Judea. He went down to the city of Caesarea (* After Tiberius Caesar's time,
the Herods no longer headquartered in Jerusalem, but in Caesarea) and stayed there for a while.
20 Herod was very angry with the people from the cities of Tyre and Sidon. However, they were
able to get Blastus on their side. (Blastus was the king's personal servant). They came to Herod
with one purpose in mind: They wanted peace, because their country needed food from Herod's

     21 Herod decided on a day to meet with them. On that day Herod was wearing a beautiful
royal robe. He sat on his throne and made a speech to the people. 22 The people shouted, "This is
not the voice of a man; it is the voice of a god!" 23 But Herod didn't give the glory to God. So, an
angel of the Lord caused him to become sick. He was soon eaten by worms inside him, and he

     24 The message of God was spreading and influencing more and more people. The group of
believers became larger and larger.

     25 After Barnabas and Saul finished their work in Jerusalem, they returned to Antioch. John
Mark went along with them.

Paul and Barnabas are Chosen

13  In the congregation at Antioch in Syria, there were some prophets and teachers. They were:
                    Simeon (also called Black)
                    Lucius (from the city of Cyrene)
                    Manaen (who had grown up with Herod Antipas, the ruler)
2 They were all serving the Lord and fasting (* going without food for a period of time, usually
for spiritual reasons). The Holy Spirit said to them, "Appoint Barnabas and Saul for My service; I
have chosen them to do a special work."

     3 So, the congregation fasted and prayed. They put their hands on Barnabas and Saul (* Paul)
and sent them out.

On Cyprus

     4 Barnabas and Saul were sent out by the Holy Spirit. They went to the city of Seleucia. Then
they sailed from Seleucia to the island of Cyprus. 5 When Barnabas and Saul came to the city of
Salamis, they were preaching God's message in the Jewish synagogues. (John Mark went along to
help them).

     6 They went across the whole island to the town of Paphos. In Paphos, they met a Jewish man
who did tricks of magic. His name was Barjesus. He said he was a prophet, but he was not. 7
Barjesus always stayed close to Sergius Paulus, the governor. Sergius Paulus was a wise man. He
asked Barnabas and Saul to come to him; he wanted to hear God's message. 8 But Elymas, the
magician, opposed Saul and Barnabas. (Elymas is the name for Barjesus in the Greek language).
Elymas tried to turn the governor away from the faith. 9 However, Saul was filled with the Holy
Spirit. (Saul's other name was Paul). Paul looked straight at Elymas 10 and said, "You son of the
Devil! You are an enemy of everything which is right! You are full of evil tricks and lies. You
always try to turn the Lord's truths into lies! 11 Now the Lord will touch you and you will be
blind. For a time, you won't be able to see the light which comes from the sun."

     Then everything quickly became dark for Elymas. He walked around lost, trying to find
someone to lead him by the hand. 12 When the governor saw this, he believed. He
was amazed at the teaching of the Lord.

In Antioch of Pisidia

     13 Paul and those who were with him sailed away from Paphos. They came to Perga, a town
in Pamphylia. But John Mark left them; he went back home to Jerusalem. 14 They continued their
trip from Perga and went to Antioch, a city in Pisidia. In Antioch, on the Sabbath day, they went
into the Jewish synagogue and sat down. 15 The law of Moses and the writings of the prophets
were read. Then the leaders of the synagogue sent a message to Paul and Barnabas: "Brothers,
if you have something to say which will help the people here, please speak."

     16 Paul stood up. He raised his hand (* a common gesture calling for attention) and said,
"Men of Israel, and you other people who also worship the true God, please listen to me! 17 The
God of our people, Israel, chose our ancestors. God made His people great during the time that
they lived in Egypt as strangers. God brought them out of that country with great power. 18 For
40 years in the desert, God was patient with them. 19 He destroyed seven nations in the land of
Canaan, giving their land to His people. 20 All of this happened in about 450 years.

     "After this, God gave judges to our people, until the time of Samuel, the prophet. 21 Then the
people asked for a king. God gave them Saul, the son of Kish. Saul was from the tribe of
Benjamin. He was king for 40 years. 22 After God removed Saul, He made David their king. God
vouched for David:

                 'David, the son of Jesse, is the man I like.
                 He will do all the things I want him to do.'  1 Samuel 13:14

23 God has brought one of David's descendants to Israel to be their savior; he is Jesus. God had
promised to do this. 24 Before Jesus came, John preached to all the people of Israel. John told the
people to change their hearts and to be immersed. 25 As John was finishing his work, he always
used to say, ‘Who do you think I am? I am not the Messiah. He is coming later. I'm not worthy to
untie his shoes!’

     26 "My brothers, sons in the family of Abraham, and you non-Jews who also worship the true
God, listen! The news about this salvation has been sent to us. 27 The Jews living in Jerusalem
and the Jewish leaders did not realize it. The words that the prophets wrote about the Messiah
were read to the Jews every Sabbath day, but they didn't understand. The Jewish leaders
condemned the Messiah. When they did this, they made the words of the prophets come true! 28
They couldn't find any real reason why he should die, yet they asked Pilate to kill him. 29 These
Jews did all the things that the Scriptures said about him. Then they took him down from the
cross of wood and put him in a tomb. 30 But God raised him up from death! 31 After this, for
many days, Jesus was seen by the people who had gone with him from Galilee to Jerusalem. They
are now his witnesses to the people. 32-33 We are telling you the Good News: God made a
promise to our fathers. We are their descendants and God has made this promise come true for
us. God did this by raising Jesus from death. We also read about this in Psalm 2:

             'You are My Son.
                Today I have become your Father.'  Psalm 2:7

34 God raised Jesus from death. Jesus will never go back to the grave and decay. So God said:

                'I will give you the sure and holy promises
                    which I made to David.'  Isaiah 55:3

35 But in another place God says:

               'You will not let the body of Your holy one decay in the grave.'  Psalm 16:10

36 But David did God's will during his own generation. Then he died. David was buried with his
fathers and his body did decay! 37 However, the one whom God raised from death did not decay!

     38-39 "Brothers, you must understand what we are telling you: You can have forgiveness of
your sins through this man. The law of Moses could not make you right with God, but everyone
who believes the Good News is made right. 40 The prophets said something would take place. Be
careful! Don't let this happen to you:

                        41 'Look, you people who doubt!
                                Wonder and die!
                             During your time, I (* God) will do
                                something which you won't believe.
                            You wouldn't believe it,
                         even if someone were to explain it to you?"  Habakkuk 1:5

     42 While the Jews were leaving the synagogue, the people (* Gentiles) were begging Paul and
Barnabas to come back on the next Sabbath day and tell them more about these things. 43 After
the meeting, many converts to the Jewish faith (who worshiped the true God) and many of the
Jews followed Paul and Barnabas. Paul and Barnabas were persuading them to continue living in
the gracious love of God.

     44 On the next Sabbath day, almost all the people in the city came together to hear the
message of the Lord. 45 The Jewish leaders saw the crowds there. So, they became very jealous.
They said some terrible contrary things and argued against the words which Paul said. 46 But
Paul and Barnabas were very bold. They said, "It was necessary that we speak God's message to
you Jews first, but you won't listen. You are deciding that you are unworthy of having eternal life!
Therefore, we will now go to the people of other nations! 47 This is what the Lord God
commanded us to do:

                   ‘I have made you a light for other nations,
                    so that you may show the way of salvation
                    to people all over the world.'"        Isaiah 49:6

     48 When the non-Jewish people heard Paul say this, they were happy. They gave honor to the
Lord's message, and many of the people believed the message. These were the people appointed
to have eternal life.

     49 And so, the message of the Lord was spreading through the whole country. 50 But the
Jewish leaders stirred up some of the important religious women and the leaders of the city to
oppose Paul and Barnabas. They were angry. These people persecuted them and threw them out
of town. 51 So, Paul and Barnabas shook the dust off their feet (* a gesture meaning that one will
have no more to do with those people). Then they went to the town of Iconium. 52 The followers
of Jesus in Antioch were happy and full of the Holy Spirit.

In Iconium

14 Then Paul and Barnabas went to the town of Iconium. They entered the Jewish synagogue.
(This is what they did in every town). They spoke to the people there in such a way that many
Jews and non-Jews believed what they said. 2 However, some of the Jews did not believe. These
Jews stirred up the non-Jewish people and made them persecute the brothers. 3 The Lord helped
Paul and Barnabas to be bold, and they stayed in Iconium a long time. Paul and Barnabas
preached about how God forgives sins. The Lord proved what they said was true; He helped them
do miracles and wonders. 4 But, some of the people in the town agreed with the Jews. Other
people in the town believed Paul and Barnabas. So, the town was divided.

     5 Some non-Jewish people, some Jews, and their Jewish leaders tried to hurt Paul and
Barnabas. These people wanted to stone them to death. 6 When Paul and Barnabas learned about
this, they left that town. They went to Lystra and Derbe, towns in Lycaonia, and to the
surrounding area. 7 They told the Good News there, too.

In Lystra

     8 In Lystra there was a man whose feet were paralyzed. He had been born crippled; he had
never walked. This man was sitting there 9 and listening to Paul speak. Paul looked straight at
him. Paul saw that the man believed that God could heal him. 10 So, Paul shouted, "Stand up on
your feet!” The man jumped up and began walking around. 11 When the crowd saw what Paul
did, they shouted in their own Lycaonian language. They said, "The gods have become like men!
They have come down to us!" 12 The people began to call Barnabas "Zeus" (* the chief god of
the Greeks. Barnabas may have appeared to be the leader). They called Paul "Hermes"(* the son
of Zeus, the messenger of the gods), because he was the main speaker. 13 The temple of Zeus
was near the town. The priest of this temple brought some bulls and flowers to the town gates.
The priest and the crowds wanted to give an offering, to worship Paul and Barnabas.

     14 But when the apostles (* The word means "special messengers" [from Antioch in Syria].
Here it does not refer to the original twelve apostles), Barnabas and Paul, understood what the
people were doing, they ripped their own clothes (* a sign of grief or outrage). Then they ran in
among the crowd and shouted to them. 15 "Men, why are you doing these things? We are not
gods! We have the same feelings you have! We came to tell you the Good News. We are telling
you to turn away from these worthless things. Turn to the true living God. He is the One who
made the land, the sea, the sky, and everything which is in them. 16 In the past, God let all the
nations do what they wanted. 17 But God did things to prove that He is real: He does good things
for you. He gives you rain from the sky and good harvests at the right times. He gives you plenty
of food and fills your hearts with joy." 18 Paul and Barnabas told the crowds these things. The
people still wanted to offer sacrifices to worship them, but Paul and Barnabas stopped them.

     19 Then some Jews came from Antioch in Pisidia and Iconium. They persuaded the people to
oppose Paul. And so, the people stoned Paul and dragged him out of the town. The people
thought that they had killed him. 20 The followers of Jesus gathered around Paul and he got up
and went back into town. The next day he and Barnabas left and went to the town of Derbe.

Paul and Barnabas Encourage Believers

     21 Paul and Barnabas told the Good News in the town of Derbe, too. Many people became
followers of Jesus. Paul and Barnabas went back to the towns of Lystra, Iconium, and Antioch in
Pisidia. 22 In those cities they made the followers of Jesus stronger. They helped them to stay in
the faith. They said, "We must suffer many things on our way into God's kingdom." 23 They
appointed elders for each congregation. The believers fasted (* going without food for a period of
time, usually for spiritual reasons) and prayed for these men. These men had put their trust in the
Lord Jesus. So, Paul and Barnabas put them in the Lord's care.

     24 Paul and Barnabas went through the country of Pisidia. Then they came to the country of
Pamphylia.. 25 They preached the story of Jesus in the town of Perga and then they went down to
the town of Attalia. 26 And from there Paul and Barnabas sailed away to Antioch in Syria. This is
the city where they had begun this work. The believers here had sent them out with God's
gracious love. Now their trip was over.

     27 When Paul and Barnabas arrived, they gathered the congregation together. Paul and
Barnabas told them all about the things which God had done with them. They said, "God opened
a door so that non-Jewish people could believe too!" 28 They stayed there a long time with the
followers of Jesus.

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