The churches of Christ
Greet You (Romans
1. We are the
a. We follow God and Him only.
b. But Jesus is God, so we are the
church of Christ (Rom. 16:16),
c. and we follow Jesus and Him only.
2. You see, we don’t follow any man other than God (Jesus).
a. We don’t follow the Pope,
b. the President of the
c. Joseph
Smith, John Calvin, or Billy Graham.
Remember, you don’t even follow me
2. (except
as I follow Jesus - 1 Cor. 11:1).
3. We don’t follow any man.
a. We only follow God through His Son
b. who has been revealed to us by
the Holy Spirit
c. through the Bible, the Word of God.
4. Since we are following Jesus, wouldn’t it be wise to know who
He is?
Please say a prayer…
1. Since He came into this world,
a. there have been those who have asked,
b. "Who is this man?
1. Is He
just a man, or is He the Son of God
2. and the
Savior of the world?"
2. From the Scriptures we may see that Jesus is, indeed,
a. the Christ, the Son of the living God.
I. In the first place, Jesus is referred to as "God" in the
1. The prophet Isaiah, in Isaiah 9:6-7, called him "the mighty
a. In John 1:1-3,14, Jesus is called
"the Word" which became flesh
b. and dwelled among men.
2. In Heb. 1:8 we read, "But unto the Son He saith, Thy throne, O
God, is for
ever and ever: a sceptre of
righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom."
3. In John 3:16, Jesus is called the "only begotten Son" of God
a. sent to save the world from sin.
b. Yes, Jesus is Divine, according to
the Scriptures.
4. He is referred to as God, as the living Word,
a. and as the only begotten Son of God.
b. He is the Christ, not just a good man
or a great teacher.
II. In the second place, Jesus showed that He is God
1. Who but God has the power to create?
a. Yet, in John 1:1-3, we read that all
b. were created through Jesus Christ.
2. Who is to be worshiped but God?
a. Scriptures such as Matthew 4:10,
b. show that men are to worship God.
1. But
Jesus accepted the worship of men while on earth (Matthew 8:2;
Therefore, Jesus is God.
3. He is eternal.
a. He is not a created being.
b. He is the author of creation.
4. He is the living Word through whom all things were created.
a. The epistle to the Colossians sets
forth the dignity
b. and the Divinity of Christ(Read
c. Also in Philippians 2:9-11, Paul
wrote (Read).
5. Thus, Jesus Christ is more than an angel and He is more than a
a. Jesus Christ is Divinity.
b. He is the only begotten Son of the
heavenly Father.
6. Who has the right to forgive sins?
a. God has the right to forgive sins;
b. yet, while on earth, Jesus had the
power to forgive sins
c. and to heal miraculously (Mark
1. Only
God can forgive sins.
Therefore, since Jesus forgave sins while on earth,
3. Jesus
is Divine.
7. Jesus is also spoken of as equal with God the Father
a. and with the Holy Spirit.
b. In Genesis 1:26 we read, "AND GOD
8. Those present were God the Father,
a. God the Son (known to believers as
Jesus the Christ),
b. and God the Holy Spirit - the
1. God,
Jesus, and the Holy Spirit worked together
2. in
these mighty acts of creating the world (Genesis 1:1-2).
III. In the third place, we note that Jesus was one with
the Father
1. In John 10:30, we read, "I AND MY FATHER ARE ONE."
a. These are the words of Jesus
describing His relationship to the Father.
b. They are one in nature, purpose, and
1. Philip
once said to Jesus (Read John 14:8-9).
2. Yes,
Jesus was one with His Father.
2. In Philippians chapter 2, there is a statement
a. which shows that Jesus was one with
b. The Bible says (Read Phil 2:5-8).
3. What has been said of Jesus here
a. is true of no other person who has
every lived.
b. Just as the centurion declared,
1. as he
stood before the cross of Christ
2. and
watched the Son of God crucified for the sins of the world..
"TRULY THIS WAS THE SON OF GOD" (Matthew 27:54).
4. He is the Son of God!
a. He is not mere man!
b. He is not a created being!
1. He is
not as one of the angels!
2. He is
above the angels!
3. He is
the only begotten Son of God!
5. The entire epistle to the Hebrews points out the contrast
a. between the old Law of Moses and the
New Covenant of Christ.
b. It also exalts Jesus above all.
c. The epistle begins (Read Heb. 1:1-4).
IV. Finally, we can know that Jesus is the Son of God by the
miracles He did
1. Jesus asked the Jews, “Why do you say, concerning the one
whom the
Father set apart as His very own and sent Him into the world, that
I am blaspheming because I say I am the Son of God?” (John 10:36).
2. Notice He said, “The Father sanctified or set me apart as His
very own.”
a. It is clear that Jesus Christ is
above all others.
b. There has never been anybody like
c. He is unique.
3. Of all the beings in Heaven, not a single one was set apart
like Jesus.
a. He was set apart, sanctified,
assigned a mission,
b. sent into the world to die for us,
and even now,
1. is at
the right hand of God as our great High Priest,
2. as King
over His spiritual kingdom, the church.
4. How reasonable is it to believe that Jesus is the Son of God?
a. Listen to the rest of His words in
John 10:37-38 (READ).
b. What Jesus said was this:
1. If you
want to know that I am the Son of God,
2. just
look at the miracles I have performed.
3. Think
about that!
5. The Gospel of Mark tells us story after story of the miracles
of Jesus,
a. proving Him to be the Son of God.
b. One time He was in the
1. There
was a man who had an evil spirit.
2. Jesus
walked up to this man and said to the evil spirit, “Come out of
3. The
evil spirit wrenched his body and shrieked
4. as it
came out of the man (Mark
6. On another occasion, there was a man who had leprosy.
a. His flesh was covered with sores.
b. He came to Jesus saying, “Lord, if
you will, you can make me clean.”
1. Jesus
reached out and touched the man.
Immediately his skin was restored to its normal condition (Mark
7. A ruler of the synagogue came to Jesus and said, “My little
daughter is ill
and at the point of death,”
a. but she died before Jesus got to her.
b. When Jesus arrived at Jairus’ house,
1. He with
a few others went into the room where the child was.
2. He took
her lifeless hand and told her to get up.
Immediately she stood up and walked around the room.
a. The people were all amazed because
b. they had never seen anything like that (Mark
8. Why did Jesus do these things?
a. He did them to show that the Father
was in Him
b. and He was in the Father.
1. He did
them so that we might believe
2. He was
the Son of God come to earth (John
9. He did many more miracles,
a. but the ultimate miracle was His own
b. The Scripture says, “Early on the
first day of the week,
when Jesus rose from the dead...” (Mark 16:9).
10. Loved ones, who is Jesus?
a. He’s the Son of God.
b. How can you really know Jesus is the
Son of God?
c. You can know because He fulfilled
many ancient prophecies (Luke 24:27).
11. The place of His birth was foretold (Micah 5:2).
a. The time of His coming was foretold
b. His virgin birth was promised (Isa.
1. His
divine name was predicted (Isa. 9:6).
2. He
lived a sinless life (1 Pet.
12. His enemies could not deny His miracles (Acts
a. His atoning death was foretold (Isa.
b. His crucifixion was pre-announced
(Ps. 22:1-8).
1. His
resurrection was promised (Ps.
2. His
resurrection is ultimate proof (Matt.
13. His tomb remains empty to this day (Mark 16:4-7).
a. His church will never be destroyed
b. He convinced his strongest critics of
His divinity (Acts 6:7; 9:1-19).
c. His teachings bring out the
best in all (John
1. Friend and brethren, with all of this proof
a. that Jesus is the Son of God,
b. it is important that you give your
life wholly to Jesus.
2. Your relationship with Jesus the Christ
a. is the most important matter you will
ever be concerned with.
b. For the Bible says, “Whoever believes
in the Son has eternal life,
but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God’s wrath remains
on him” (John
3. Your relationship with Jesus is more important than marriage;
a. more important than having children,
b. more important than graduating from
high school or college,
c. more important than landing a good
4. Jesus is the most important person you will ever know.
a. He said (Quote John 14:6).
b. It would be a mistake to think you
could ever be good enough
c. to go to Heaven on our own.
5. Salvation is by grace, not by works of merit.
a. It is promised to believers, not
b. If you want to go to Heaven, you’ve
got to go through Jesus.
6. It is clear that through obedience to His gospel,
a. we may be made citizens of that
spiritual kingdom,
b. His body over which He is Head.
1. Then,
by continuing to live faithfully in His body,
2. we may
one day spend eternity with Him.
7. To be members of His church, the body of the saved,
a. we must come to God through Jesus,
b. believing in Christ as the only
begotten Son of God (John
8. We must then repent of our sins;
a. that is, change our minds and then
change our lives,
b. turning away from sin (Luke 13:3).
9. Then we must confess Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God,
a. and be buried in baptism for the
forgiveness of our sins (Acts
b. It is then that we are cleansed by
the blood of Christ,
1. and
added by the Lord to the
2. which
was purchased with His precious blood (Acts