The churches of Christ Greet You (Romans
Let us pray…
Holy Father our God, as always we come to You with a humble contrite heart.
We come to You knowing that all our righteousness
is but filthy rags in comparison to You.
We come to You with thankfulness that Jesus has given us His righteousness.
We know, Dear Father, that because of Him we are alright in Your sight…
that we are kings, priests, ministers, and soldiers in Your service.
Dear Lord our God, we thank You for being ONE.
We are thankful that we can be one with You.
Dear Holy Spirit our God, we are so thankful that You live in us
who are Your sons and daughters by faith.
We are thankful for the comfort and peace You give us
with Your indwelling Presence and with Your Word.
We are thankful for Your help when we pray like this to God.
We know we do not know how to pray as we should.
So we are thankful that as You dwell in our heart by faith,
You are personally talking to God for us.
And Father, because only You can search the hearts of men,
we know You know what the Spirit is thinking
as He speaks to You on our behalf.
Dear Christ our God, we ask You now to give the readers and hearers
of these lessons about You
an understanding, believing, and obedient heart.
In the Wonderful Name of Your Son…
by the authority of Jesus we pray.
Let us all say: AMEN!