God’s Sense


The churches of Christ Greet You (Romans 16:16)




The book of Genesis is the book of “beginnings.” The beginning of many things done by God can be found in the book of Genesis. You might be familiar with the question: “What came first, the chicken or the egg?” The correct answer is NEITHER! Everything began and begins with a seed. The seed is the word of God (Luke 8:11). God SPOKE and things came into existence. Maybe the things were full grown and ready to reproduce, but they all came from the seed of God's Word (voice).


He, the GOD of creation (Genesis 1:1), includes the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit. Jesus was the Word in the beginning (John 1:1-3, 14). Jesus, the image of the invisible God, created all things (Colossians 1:15-16). God spoke, “Let there be light” (Genesis 1:3). Thus, Jesus (the Word) planted His seed and light grew (instantaneously) into a reality. For a period of six days He continued to plant His seed by speaking His creation into existence. Upon completion, He looked and saw that everything He had made (created, planted, formed, grew, etc.) was very good (Genesis 1:31). On the seventh day He rested from all His seed planting work (Genesis 2:2, 3).


The Bible teaches that man (Adam) was created in the image or in the likeness (Genesis 1:26-27) of the triune God (Father, Word [Son], and Holy Spirit). Being made in the image of God, man became a living soul (Genesis 2:7; 1 Corinthians 15:45). Man’s living soul is eternal (cf. 2 Corinthians 4:18; cf. Hebrews 9:14). While Adam (man) was created in God's image, he fell from that image through sin (Genesis 3). Sin brought “death” or separation of man from God (Genesis 2:16-17; 3:19, 22-24; cf. Romans 6:23).


Everyone born since Adam has been born after Adam’s image (Genesis 5:3). One must now be "born again” (John 3:7, cf. vs. 5) to conform to the image of God – the Son (Romans 8:29). We are reborn in God's image with a living eternal spirit to replace the "dead" one (Ephesians 2:1). Paul said, “Just as we have borne the image of the man of dust, we shall also bear the image of the man of heaven” (1 Corinthians 15:49; cf. 2 Corinthians 4:4). Having put on the new “self,” we are (daily) “being renewed in knowledge after the image of God” (Colossians 3:10). No other part of God’s creation is “born again” by hearing, believing, and obeying the Gospel (Romans 10:17; John 8:24; Hebrews 5:9; Luke 13:3; Matthew 10:32-33; Mark 16:15-16).


The beginning of many things done by man can also be found in the book of Genesis. As we read Genesis, we see man beginning to do the same things God does. This is natural because man, from the beginning, could only learn to live right by watching, communing with, and imitating God, his CREATOR (cf. Ephesians 5:1). On the other side, we also see man beginning to follow Satan (Genesis 3) by doing some things God does not do – i.e., stealing (Genesis 31:19, 32), deceiving (Genesis 34:13), lying (Genesis 37:20), etc.


The world’s wisdom teaches that man has only five senses – i.e., hearing, smelling, seeing, tasting, and touching. This wisdom comes from those who insist that man evolved from lower forms of life. They reason, “Since the fish, birds, beast, cattle, and creeping things have the same five senses as man, then man must have evolved from these lower forms.”


Genesis, the first book of the Bible, instructs mankind in the knowledge that God has at least seven senses. Therefore man also has at least seven senses. The additional two “senses” revealed in God’s word allow man to personally communicate with and be like his Creator. Of equal importance, these two “senses” prove that man did not evolve from the beast. Man (Adam) was created in the image of God.



QUESTION: What are these senses?




1. The sense of thinking (imagining, meditating, planning, reasoning, remembering, etc.),


2. The sense of speech (talking, commanding, etc.)


Like God, man has a heart (Genesis 8:1). No other part of God’s creation has this spiritual heart. The heart of man is the seat of the mind - the place where he thinks (Proverbs 23:7). Yes, man IS what he thinks (Proverbs 23:7). The sense of thinking in the heart makes man far different from all other parts of God’s creation. This “sense” alone is a deathblow to evolution.


Thinking IN OUR HEART naturally leads to speech (cf. Matthew 15:18). God is a God of communication. He has spoken through His Son (Hebrews 1:1-3), and He speaks to us daily through His Creation (Psalms 19:1-4a). His highest creation is also a being of communication. Even the “lower forms” of life communicate with each other and can be taught to communicate with man; however, only man calls on the name of the Lord (Genesis 4:26). Only man communicates on a personal basis with God (someone please show us the monkey, bird, or fish that bows down and prays to God with its understanding – cf. Genesis 20:17). No other part of God’s Creation has the ability to speak verbally (or in thought) with our CREATOR.


Have you ever wondered what makes man different from the animals? Solomon, the wise king of old, said that God "has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts" (Ecclesiastes 3:11). Animals do not have eternity in their hearts like men and women. Animals eat, drink, and play like us, but they do not worship. Worship is something only people do. Worship is a special love and loyalty given to a deity, an idol, or a sacred object. Anthropologists (scientists who study people) say that every group or culture in the world worships in some way or another.


Communication is of utmost importance, and man’s imagination encourages him to invent more and more ways to communicate. Yet, we neglect the two most important forms of communication in our life – Bible study and prayer to God. Satan is well aware of these truths. Have you noticed how daily he uses the media [USA TODAY, CNN, MTV, RADIO, MOVIES, etc.] to spread fear, greed, hate, lies, lust, and worry? The media is being used by the evil one to control this lost world (cf. 1 John 2:15-17; 5:19)! With all the mass communication networks available at our fingertips (Telephone, Internet, Satellite, Mail, FAX, etc.), those who are of God should be ashamed that we do not better use them to spread the Good News of faith, hope, and love (1 Corinthians 13:13).


Below we will use ONLY the book of Genesis (KJV) to reveal GOD’S SENSE. In many cases the revelation of the Holy Spirit will show us examples of man using the same sense of God in the things of God. Our prayer is that this study will bless you with a deeper understanding of God as He is shown in the book of Genesis. Our prayer is that we each will continue to study the entire Bible and better come to know our God, ourselves, and His Plan. Please remember and believe the words of our Lord: “And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent” (John 17:3). This “eternal life” is available only to those who are in Christ (1 John 5:11-12).


ALL Glory to God through Jesus His Word!



I.  THE SENSE OF HEARING (listening, hearken, etc.)



God Heard – 17:20 Abraham concerning Ishmael

Man Heard – 3:8, 10 the voice of God in the garden; 34:5 (Jacob H) that his daughter (Dinah) had been defiled by Shechem


God Hearkened – 30:17 unto Leah; 30:22 to Rachel

Man Hearkened – 3:17 to the voice of his wife; 23:16 (Abraham H) unto Ephron






God Smelled – 8:21 a sweet savour

Man Smelled – 27:27 (Isaac S) the smell of Jacob’s raiment




III. THE SENSE OF SEEING (looking, etc.)



God Looked – 6:12 upon the earth; 18:16 toward Sodom

Man Looked – 8:13 (Noah L) and the face of the ground was dry; 29:2 (Jacob L) and beheld a well in the field


God Saw – 1:4 the light, it was good, 1:10 the earth and seas, they were good; 1:12 the grass and herbs, they were good; 1:18 the sun, moon, and stars, they were good; 1:21 the fish and birds, they were good; 1:25 the land animals and creeping things, they were good; 1:31 everything He had made, it was very good; 6:5 that the wickedness of man was great in the earth; 29:31 that Leah was hated; 32:25 that He prevailed not against Jacob

Man Saw – 3:6 that the tree (of knowledge of good and evil) was good for food; 6:2 (Sons of God S) the daughters of men




IV. THE SENSE OF TASTING (cf. Jesus – Matthew 27:34; eating, drinking, etc.)



God Allowed Man to Eat – 1:29 the seed bearing herbs and trees; 2:9 the trees; 2:16, 17 of every tree except the tree of knowledge of good and evil; 3:18 the herb of the field; 3:19 bread; 6:21 all food that is eaten; 9:3, 4 every moving thing that lives (except the blood)

Man Did Eat – 3:6 the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil; 25:28; 27:25 (Isaac DE) venison; 31:54 (Jacob DE) bread

Man Drank – 9:21 (Noah D) wine


God Allowed the Earth Animals to Eat – 1:30 the green herbs; 6:21 all food that is eaten

Animals Did Eat – 24:32 straw and provender

Animals Drank – 24:19-20, 22 water


God Fed – 48:15 Israel (Jacob) all his life

Man Fed – 30:36 (Jacob F) the flocks of Laban







God Touched – 32:25, 32 the hollow of Jacob’s thigh

Man Touched – 27:21, 22 (Isaac T) Jacob




VI. THE SENSE OF THINKING (cf. Isaiah 55:8, 9; Jeremiah 29:11)

God and Man ONLY



God’s Heart – 8:21 speaks in Him

Man’s Heart – 27:41 (Esau’s H) speaks in him


Man’s Imagination – 6:5 was evil continually; 8:21 comes from his heart and is evil from his youth; 11:6 allows him to do anything when united as one


God Grieved – 6:6 in His heart

Man Grieved – 26:35 (Isaac G) in his mind


God Remembered – 8:1 Noah and every living thing; 19:29 Abraham; 30:22 Rachel

Man Remembered – 41:9 (Butler R) his faults; 42:9 (Joseph R) the dreams which he dreamed




VII. THE SENSE OF SPEAKING (talking, commanding, etc.)

God and Man ONLY


God Called – 1:5 the light day and the darkness night; 1:8 the firmament Heaven; 1:10 the dry land Earth and the gathering together of the waters Seas; 3:9 unto Adam; 21:17 to Hagar out of heaven; 22:11, 15 unto Abraham out of heaven; 35:10 Jacob’s name Israel

Man Called – 2:23 his wife Woman; 3:20 his wife’s name Eve; 4:26; 12:8; 13:4; 21:33; 26:25 (Men C) upon the name of the Lord


God Commanded – 2:16, 17; 3:11, 17 the man; 6:14-22; 7:1-5 Noah; 26:5 Abraham

Man Commanded – 33:17, 19 (Jacob C) his servants; 42:25 (Joseph C) that his brother’s sacks be filled with corn


God Named – 5:2 the male and female Adam; 16:11 Ishmael; 17:5 Abram Abraham; 17:15 Sarai Sarah; 17:19 Isaac; 32:28; 35:10 Jacob Israel

Man Named – 2:20 all the cattle, birds, and beast of the field; 3:20 his wife Eve


God Said – 1:3 let there be light; 1:6 let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters; 1:9 let the waters under heaven gather together and let the dry land appear; 1:11 let the earth bring forth grass after his kind; 1:14 let there be lights in the firmament (sun, moon, and stars); 1:20 let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life; 1:20 let the birds fly above the earth; 1:22 be fruitful and multiply, and fill the seas, and let the birds multiply in the earth; 1:24 let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind; 1:26 let us (Father, Word [Son] and Holy Spirit) make man in our image; 1:26 let man have dominion over all the earth; 1:28 be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth; 1:29 I have given man every herb (plant) bearing seed and every tree with seed in its fruit for meat (food); 1:30 I have given every green herb as meat for the earth animals and creeping things; 2:16, 17 Adam, you may eat of every tree of the garden except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; 2:17 Adam, you shall die the day you eat of the forbidden tree; 2:18 it is not good that the man should be alone; 3:9 Adam, where art thou?; 3:11 Adam, who told you thou was naked?; 3:11 Adam, have you eaten of the forbidden tree?; 3:13 Eve, what is this you have done?; 3:15 Serpent, the seed of woman shall bruise your head and you shall bruise his heel; 3:16 Eve, your husband shall rule over you; 3:17 Adam, cursed is the ground for thy sake; you will eat of it in sorrow; 3:22 the man is become as one of us; 4:6 Cain, why are you wroth?; 4:7 Cain, you will be accepted if you do good; 4:9 Cain, where is your brother Abel?; 4:10 Cain, what have you done?; 4:12 Cain, the ground will no longer yield her strength to you; 4:12 Cain, a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth you shall be; 4:15 Cain, whoever slays you, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold; 6:3 My spirit shall not always strive with man…his days shall be 120 years; 6:13 Noah, the end of all flesh is come before Me; 6:14 Noah, make thee an ark of gopher wood; 6:14 Noah, rooms shall you make in the ark, and pitch it within and without; 6:15 Noah, make the ark 300X50X30 cubits; 6:16 Noah, make a window above and a door in the side of the ark; 6:16 Noah, make three floors in the ark; 6:17 Noah, I do bring a flood of waters to destroy all flesh from under heaven (wherein is the breath of life); 6:17 Noah, every thing that is in the earth shall die; 6:18 Noah, you shall come into the ark with your family; 6:19, 20 Noah, you shall bring two of every living thing of all flesh (male and female) into the ark to keep them alive; 6:21 Noah, take with thee all food that is eaten as food for you and them; 7:1 Noah, come, you and your house, into the ark; 7:1 Noah, I have seen you righteous before me in this generation; 7:2, 3 Noah, take with thee seven (pairs) of the clean beasts and birds, and two (pairs) of the unclean beast to keep seed alive upon the earth; 8:16, 17 Noah, go forth from the ark with every living thing on the ark; 8:17 Noah, be fruitful, and multiply upon the earth; 8:21 in His heart; 8:22 seed time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night shall not cease while the earth remains; 9:1 Noah, be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth; 9:2 Noah, all the beast, birds, creeping things and fish shall fear man; 9:3 Noah, every moving thing that lives shall be meat for man; 9:4 Noah, man shall not eat flesh with the life of it (blood); 9:6 Noah, whoever sheds man blood, by man shall his blood be shed; 9:7 Noah, be fruitful, and multiply; bring forth abundantly and multiply in the earth; 9:9-11 Noah, I establish my covenant with you, and your seed, and every living creature coming out of the ark; 9:11 Noah, all flesh will not be cut off nor will the earth be destroyed again by a flood; 9:12-14 Noah, my token of the covenant will be the bow in the cloud; 9:17 Noah, this (bow) is the token of my everlasting covenant with every living creature of all flesh upon the earth; 11:6 the people is one and have one language; 11:6 nothing that man imagines to do will be restrained from them; 11:7 let us (Father, Word [Son], and Holy Spirit) go down and confound their language; 15:1 Abram, fear not: I am your shield and exceeding great reward; 15:4 Abram, Eliezer shall not be your heir, but he that shall come out of your own bowels shall be your heir (Isaac); 15:5 Abram, your seed shall be numberless like the stars of heaven; 15:7 Abram, I am the Lord; I give you Canaan to inherit; 15:9 Abram, take Me a heifer, a she goat, a ram, a turtledove, and a pigeon; 15:13 Abram, your seed shall be a stranger in a land (Egypt), and there serve and be afflicted 400 years; 15:14 Abram, afterward your seed shall come out (of Egypt) with great substance; 15:15 Abram, you shall go to your fathers in peace and be buried in a good old age; 15:16 Abram, in the fourth generation your seed shall come again to Canaan; 15:16 Abram, the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full; 16:8 Hagar, where did you come from and where are you going?; 16:9 Hagar, return to Sarah and submit to her; 16:11 Hagar, you are with child and shall bear a son (Ishmael); 16:12 Hagar, (Ishmael) shall be a wild man and be against every man, and every man shall be against him; 17:1 Abram, I am God Almighty; walk before me and be perfect; 17:4 Abram, my covenant is with you, and you shall be a father of many nations; 17:5 Abram (see God Named); 17:9 Abraham, you and your seed shall keep My covenant; 17:10 Abraham, this is my covenant; every man child among you shall be circumcised; 17:11 Abraham, you shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskin as a token of the covenant; 17:12, 13 Abraham, he that is eight days old among you shall be circumcised; 17:14 Abraham, he that is not circumcised has broken my covenant and shall be cut off from his people; 17:15 Abraham (see God Named); 17:19, 21 Abraham, Sarah shall bear thee a son (Isaac); 17:20 Abraham, Ishmael shall beget twelve princes; 18:5 Abraham, do as thou has said; 18:9 Abraham, where is Sarah your wife?; 18:10, 14 Abraham, Sarah shall have a son (Isaac); 18:13 Abraham, why did Sarah laugh?; 18:14 Abraham, is anything too hard for the Lord?; 18:15 Sarah, you did laugh; 18:17 Abraham, shall I hide from you what I do?; 18:18 Abraham, you shall become a great and mighty nation, and in you shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; 18:19 Abraham, I know you will command your children and household, and they shall keep My way; 18:20 the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great and their sin is very grievous; 20:3 Abimelech, you are a dead man; 20:6 Abimelech, I know you did this in the integrity of your heart; 20:7 Abimelech, restore Sarah to Abraham or die; 20:7 Abimelech, Abraham is a prophet and he shall pray for you and you shall live; 21:12 Abraham, don’t be grieved over Ishmael and Hagar; 21:12 Abraham, hearken unto Sarah; in Isaac shall thy seed be called; 21:17 Hagar, what aileth thee? fear not; 21:18 Hagar, arise, lift up Ishmael and hold him; 22:1, 2 Abraham, take Isaac to the land of Moriah and offer him for a burnt offering; 22:11,12 Abraham do not hurt Isaac; 22:15-18 Abraham, because you have obeyed My voice, you, your seed, and all nations will be blessed; 25:23 Rebekah, two nations are in your womb (Israel and Edom); 25:23 Rebekah, the elder (Esau) of the two people in your bowels will serve the younger (Jacob); 26:2, 3 Isaac, go not down to Egypt, but dwell in the land I shall tell you of; 26:24 Isaac, I am the God of Abraham: fear not, for I am with thee; 28:13 Jacob, I am the Lord God of Abraham and Isaac; 28:14 Jacob, your seed shall be as the dust of the earth, and in thee and in your seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed; 28:15 Jacob, I am with thee; 31:3 Jacob, return to the land of your fathers; 31:12 Jacob, lift up your eyes and see; 31:13 Jacob, I am the God of Bethel; 31:13 Jacob, arise, and return unto the land of your kindred; 31:24 Laban, take heed that you speak neither good or bad to Jacob; 32:9 Jacob, return unto your country, and to your kindred; 32:26 Jacob, let me go, for the day breaks; 32:27 Jacob, what is your name?; 32:28 Jacob (see God Named); 32:29 Jacob, why are you asking Me My name?; 35:1 Jacob, arise, go up to Bethel and dwell there: and make there an altar unto God; 35:10 Jacob (see God Named); 35:11 Jacob, I am God Almighty, be fruitful and multiply; 35:11 Jacob, a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of your loins

Man Said – 2:23 the woman was bone of his bones and flesh of his flesh; 4:1 I have gotten a man from the Lord; 27:41 (Esau S) in his heart


God Spake – 8:15 unto Noah; 9:8; unto Noah and his sons; 16:13 unto Hagar; 24:7 unto Abraham; 31:11 unto Jacob in a dream; 31:29 unto Laban; 35:15 unto Jacob at Bethel; 46:2 unto Israel (Jacob) in the visions of the night 

Man Spake – 18:29 (Abraham S) unto God; 19:14 (Lot S) unto his sons in law


God Swore – 22:16 by Himself; 24:7 unto Abraham; 26:3 an oath unto Abraham; 50:24 to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob

Man Swore – 25:33 (Esau S) to Jacob; 47:31 (Joseph S) to Jacob


God Talked – 17:3 with Abram; 35:13, 14 with Jacob

Man Talked – 4:8 (Cain T) with his brother Abel


God’s Voice – 26:5 obeyed by Abraham

Man’s Voice – 27:13, 14 obeyed by Jacob



Other Things of God


God Answered – 35:3 Jacob in the day of his distress

Man Answered – 18:27 (Abraham A) God; 41:16 (Joseph A) Pharaoh


God Appeared – 12:7 unto Abram in the land of Canaan; 17:1 to Abram when he was 99 years old; 18:1 unto Abraham in the plains of Mamre; 26:2 unto Isaac in Gerar; 26:24 unto Isaac in Beersheba; 35:1 unto Jacob when he fled from Esau; 35:7 unto Jacob at El Bethel; 35:9 unto Jacob when he came out of Padanaram; 48:3 unto Jacob at Luz


God Blessed 1:22 the fish and birds; 1:28 every living thing that moves on earth; 2:3 the seventh day; 5:2 the male and female; 9:1 Noah and his sons; 17:20 Ishmael; 25:11; 26:12, 29 Isaac; 32:29, 30 Jacob at Peniel; 35:9 Jacob when he came out of Padanaram; 39:5 Potiphar’s house for Joseph’s sake; 48:3 Jacob

Man Blessed – 14:19 (Melchizedek B) Abram; 27:23, 30, 33 (Isaac B) Jacob; 31:55 (Laban B) his children; 47:7, 10 (Jacob B) Pharaoh; 48:15 (Jacob B) Joseph 


God Breathed – 2:7 into Adam’s nostrils the breath of life


God Brings – 9:14 the clouds

Man Brings – 3:16 forth children


God Brought – 2:19 the beast and birds to the man; 2:22 the woman to the man; 6:17 a flood of water to destroy all flesh upon the earth; 15:5 Abram forth abroad; 15:7 Abram out of Ur

Man Brought – 4:3 (Cain B) of the fruit of the ground an offering unto God; 37:28 (Ishmeelites B) Joseph into Egypt


God Came – 11:5 down to see the city (Babel); 15:1, 4 unto Abraham in a vision; 20:3 to Abimelech in a dream; 31:24 to Laban in a dream by night

Man Came – 11:31 (Terah and household C) unto Haran; 12:5 (Abram and household C) unto Canaan; 23:2 (Abraham C) to mourn and weep for Sarah in Kirjatharba


God Caused – 2:21 a deep sleep to fall upon Adam; 20:13 Abraham to wander from his father’s house

Man Caused – 45:1 (Joseph C) all the Egyptians to go out from him


God Closed – 2:21 up Adam’s flesh


God Counted – 15:6 Abram’s faith to him for righteousness

Man Counted – 31:15 (Rachel and Leah C) as strangers in their father’s house


God Created – 1:1 the heaven and the earth; 1:21 great whales and every living creature that moves; every winged bird; 1:27 man in His own image; male and female; 2:3 all His work; 2:4 the heavens and the earth; 5:1 man; 5:2 male and female; 6:7 man, beast, the creeping thing, the birds of the air


God Cursed – 3:14 the serpent; 3:17 the ground for Adam’s sake; 4:11 Cain from the earth

Man Cursed – 27:29 (Isaac C) anyone that cursed Jacob


God Delivered – 9:2 the beast, birds, creeping things, and fish into Noah’s (man’s) hand

Man Delivered – 37:21 (Reuben D) Joseph out of the hands of his brothers


God Destroyed – 7:4, 23 every living substance which was upon the face of the ground with a flood of water (except Noah and those with him); 13:10 Sodom and Gomorrah; 19:29 the cities of the plain


God Did – 3:21 make coats of skin for man; 11:7, 9 confound the language of all the earth at Babel; 11:8, 9 scatter Noah’s descendants abroad upon the face of the earth; 21:1 unto Sarah as He had spoken; 22:1 tempt (test) Abraham; 45:5 send Joseph into Egypt before his brothers to preserve life

Man Did – 3:6, 12, 13 eat from the forbidden tree; 6:22; 7:5 (Noah D) as God commanded


God Divided – 1:4 the light from the darkness; 1:7 the waters under the firmament from the waters above the firmament

Man Divided – 15:10 (Abram D) his animal sacrifice in the midst; 32:7 (Jacob D) the people, flocks, herds, and camels that were with him into two bands


God Drove – 3:24 man out of the garden of Eden; 4:14 Cain out from the face of the earth

Man Drove – 15:11 (Abram D) the birds away from the carcasses


God Ended – 2:2 His work on the seventh day

Man Ended – 27:30 (Isaac E) the blessings he gave to Jacob; 49:33 (Jacob E) the commands he gave to his sons  


God Established – 9:8-17 an everlasting covenant with Noah and his seed (us), and with all flesh upon the earth; 41:32 Pharaoh’s dreams


God Formed – 2:7 man from the ground; 2:19 every beast and bird from the ground


God Found – 16:7 Hagar (Saria’s maid) by a fountain of water

Man Found – 6:8 (Noah F) grace in the eyes of the Lord; 37:17 (Joseph F) his brothers in Dothan


God Gave (hath given) – 1:29 the seed bearing herb and tree as man’s meat; 1:30 every green herb as meat for the beast, birds, and creeping things; 3:12 a woman to be with the man; 4:1 Adam and Eve a son; 9:3, 4 man permission to eat all things except blood; 15:7 Abram the land of Canaan to inherit it; 15:18-21 unto Abram’s seed the land of Canaan (Kenizzites, Hittites, Canaanites, etc.); 24:35 Abraham flocks, herds, silver, gold, menservants, maidservants, camels, and asses; 28:4 a land (Canaan) unto Abraham; 29:33 Leah a son (Simeon); 30:18 Leah her hire; 30:6 Rachel a son through Bilhah (Dan); 31:9 Laban’s cattle to Jacob; 33:5 children unto Jacob; 35:12 the land (Canaan) to Abraham and Isaac; 39:21 Joseph favor in prison; 43:23 treasure in Joseph’s brother’s sacks; 48:9 sons unto Joseph in Egypt

Man Gave – 2:20 names to all cattle, birds, and beast; 24:36; 25:5 (Abraham G) all that he had unto Isaac; 43:24 (Joseph’s Steward G) water to Joseph’s brothers


God Had (hath) – 1:31 made everything; 2:2 made all His work; 2:3 rested on the seventh day; 2:5 not caused it to rain upon the earth; 2:8 formed man; 2:22 taken the rib from man to make the woman; 3:1 made the beast of the field; 4:4 respect unto Abel and his offering; 4:5 not respect for Cain and his offering; 5:29 cursed the ground; 6:6 made man on the earth; 7:9, 16 commanded Noah; 12:1 said unto Abram, leave your country, relatives, and father’s house and go to a land I will show you; 12:2, 3 said unto Abram, you shall be a blessing…and in thee all families of the earth shall be blessed; 12:4 spoken unto Abram; 14:20 delivered Abram’s enemies into his hands; 16:2 restrained Sarai from bearing (children); 16:11 heard Hagar’s affliction; 17:23 said that Abraham should circumcise the males of his household; 18:19 spoken concerning the things He would do for Abraham; 18:33 left communing with Abraham; 19:13 sent two angels to destroy Sodom (and Gomorrah); 20:18 fast closed up all the wombs of the house of Abimelech; 21:1 said He would visit Sarah (allow her to conceive); 21:1, 2 spoken (unto Abraham); 21:4 commanded Abraham to circumcise the males of his household; 21:6 made Sarah to laugh; 21:17 heard the voice of the lad (Ishmael); 22:3, 9 told Abraham the place where to sacrifice Isaac; 24:1 blessed Abraham in all things; 24:27 not left Abraham destitute of His mercy and truth; 24:35 blessed Abraham greatly; 24:44 appointed Rebekah for Isaac’s wife; 24:48 led Abraham’s servant in the right way; 24:51 spoken that Rebekah would be Isaac’s wife; 24:56 prospered Abraham’s servant’s way; 26:22 made room for Isaac in the land of Philistine; 27:27 blessed a certain smelling field; 28:15 spoken to Jacob; 29:32 looked upon Leah’s affliction; 29:33 heard that Leah was hated; 30:2 withheld the fruit of the womb from Rachel; 30:6 judged Rachel; 30:6 heard Rachel’s voice; 30:20 endued Leah with a good dowry; 30:23 taken away Rachel’s reproach; 30:27 blessed Laban for Jacob’s sake; 30:30 blessed Laban since Jacob came to him; 31:5 been with Jacob; 31:9 taken away Laban’s cattle; 31:12 seen all that Laban did unto Jacob; 31:16 taken away Laban’s riches; 31:16 said that Jacob should return to the land of Canaan; 31:42 been with Jacob; 31:42 seen Jacob’s affliction and the labour of his hands; 33:11 dealt graciously with Jacob; 41:25 shewed Pharaoh what He was about to do; 41:39 shewed Joseph all that should be done; 41:51 made Joseph forget all his toil and his father’s house; 41:52 caused Joseph to be fruitful in Egypt; 42:28 restored the money to Joseph’s brother’s sacks; 44:16 found out the iniquity of the sons of Jacob; 45:8 made Joseph a father to Pharaoh, and lord of all his house; 45:8, 9 made Joseph a ruler and lord over Egypt; 48:11 shewed Israel (Jacob) Joseph’s seed 

Man Had – 5:3, 4 begotten a son (Seth) after his image; 6:12 corrupted God’s way upon the earth; 8:6 (Noah H) made the ark; 13:4 (Abram H) made an altar; 28:6 (Isaac H) blessed Jacob; 41:54 (Joseph H) said there would be seven years of famine in all the land of Egypt


God Healed – 20:17 Abimelech and his wife and his maidservants


God Knew – 18:19 Abraham; 20:6 Abimelech was innocent concerning Sarah; 22:12 Abraham feared Him

Man Knew – 3:7 they were naked; 8:11 (Noah K) the waters were abated from off the earth; 42:8 (Joseph K) his brethren, but they did not know him


God Led – 24:27 Abraham’s servant to the house of Abraham’s brethren


God Left – 17:22 off talking with Abraham

Man Left – 11:8 (Noah’s Descendants L) off building the city (Babel) and tower


God Made – 1:7 the firmament; 1:16 two great lights; 1:16 the stars; 1:25 the beast of the earth; 2:3 all His work; 2:4 the earth and the heavens; 2:9 the trees; 2:22 a woman with man’s rib; 5:1 man in His likeness; 6:7 man, beast, creeping things, and birds; 7:4 every living substance; 8:1 the wind; 9:6 man in His image; 15:18 a covenant with Abraham; 17:5 Abraham a father of many nations; 39:3, 23 all Joseph did to prosper; 49:24 Joseph’s hands strong

Man Made – 3:7 aprons for themselves; 27:37 (Isaac M) Jacob lord over Esau; 37:3 (Israel M) Joseph a coat of many colors


God Moved – 1:2 upon the face of the waters


God Opened – 21:19 Hagar’s eyes; 29:31 Leah’s womb; 30:22 Rachel’s womb

Man Opened – 8:6 (Noah O) the window of the ark; 41:56 (Joseph O) all the storehouses


God Overthrew – 19:25 Sodom and Gomorrah; 19:29 the cities where Lot dwelt


God Placed – 3:24 Cherubims and a flaming sword at the east of the garden

Man Placed – 47:11 (Joseph P) his father and his brethren in the land of Egypt


God Plagued – 12:17 Pharaoh and his house


God Planted – 2:8 a garden eastward in Eden

Man Planted – 9:20 (Noah P) a vineyard; 21:33 (Abraham P) a grove in Beersheba


God Possessed – 14:19, 22 heaven and earth

Man Possessed – 23:17, 18 (Abraham P) the field/cave of Ephron in Machpelah for a burying place; 26:14 (Isaac P) flocks, herds, and many servants



God Put – 2:8, 15 the man in the garden of Eden

Man Put – 8:9 (Noah P) forth his hand and pulled in the dove; 41:42 (Pharaoh P) his ring on Joseph’s hand


God Rained – 19:24 fire and brimstone from heaven on Sodom and Gomorrah


God Rebuked – 31:42 Laban

Man Rebuked – 37:10 (Jacob R) Joseph


God Repented – 6:6, 7 that He had made man, beast, creeping things and birds on the earth


God Rested – 2:2 on the seventh day


God Sanctified – 2:3 the seventh day


God Sent – 3:23 the man forth from the garden of Eden; 19:29 Lot out of Sodom; 45:7 Joseph before his brothers to preserve for them a posterity in the earth and to save their lives; 45:8 Joseph to Egypt

Man Sent – 8:7 (Noah S) forth a raven; 8:8, 10 (Noah S) forth a dove; 37:13, 14 (Jacob S) Joseph to check on his brothers


God Set – 1:17 the sun, moon, and stars in the firmament of heaven; 4:15 a mark upon Cain; 9:13 His bow in the clouds

Man Set – 31:17 (Jacob S) his sons and wives upon camels; 41:41 (Pharaoh S) Joseph over all the land of Egypt


God Shall – 9:11 not cut off all flesh or destroy the earth again with a flood; 9:27 enlarge Japheth; 18:25 do right; 24:7 send His angel before Abraham’s servant; 26:2 tell Isaac in what land to dwell; 30:24 add to Rachel another son; 41:16 give Pharaoh an answer of peace; 48:21 be with Joseph; 48:21 bring Joseph into the land of Canaan; 49:25 help and bless Joseph

Man Shall – 2:24 leave father and mother and cleave unto his wife


God Shewed – 32:10 His mercy and truth to Jacob; 39:21 Joseph mercy; 41:28 Pharaoh what He was about to do


God Shut – 7:16 Noah in the ark

Man Shut – 19:6 (Lot S) the door after him


God Slew – 38:7 Er, Judah’s firstborn; 38:9, 10 Onan

Man Slew – 4:8, 25 (Cain S) his brother Abel


God Smote – 8:21 every living thing on earth with a flood

Man Smote – 14:5-7 (Chedorlaomer S) the Rephaims, the Zuzims, the Emims, the Horites, all the country of the Amalekites, and the Amorites


God Stood – 28:12, 13 above (Jacob’s) ladder reaching to heaven from earth

Man Stood – 18:22; 19:27 (Abraham S) before the Lord; 23:3 (Abraham S) up from before his dead; 41:46 (Joseph S) before Pharaoh king of Egypt


God Suffered – 20:6 Abimelech not to touch Sarah; 31:7 Laban not to hurt Jacob

Man Suffered – 31:28 (Jacob S) Laban not to kiss his children


God Took – 2:15 the man; 2:21 one of Adam’s ribs; 5:24 Enoch; 24:7 Abraham from his father’s house and land

Man Took – 3:6 of the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil; 4:19 (Lamech T) unto him two wives; 6:2 (Sons of God T) wives of all which they choose; 22:6, 10 (Abraham T) the knife to slay his son


God Was – 21:20 with the lad (Ishmael); 25:21 intreated of Isaac; 26:28 with Isaac; 35:3 with Jacob; 35:5 upon the cities round about Jacob’s journeys with terror; 39:2, 3, 21, 23 with Joseph

Man Was – 3:10 afraid of God’s voice; 3:23 taken from the ground; 4:20 (Jabal W) the father of such as dwell in tents and have cattle; 50:26 (Joseph W) embalmed and put in a coffin in Egypt


God Went – 17:22 up from Abraham; 18:33 His way; 35:13 up from Jacob

Man Went – 4:16 (Cain W) out from the presence of the Lord; 7:7 (Noah W) into the ark; 8:18, 9 (Noah W) forth out of the ark; 25:34 (Esau W) his way; 41:46 (Joseph W) throughout all the land of Egypt


God Will  – 1:26 make man; 2:18 make a helpmeet (woman) for the man; 3:15 put enmity between the serpent and the woman; 3:16 greatly multiply the woman’s sorrow and her conception; 6:7 destroy man, beast, the creeping thing, and the birds from the face of the earth; 6:13 destroy all flesh with the earth; 6:18 establish His covenant with Noah; 7:4 cause it to rain on the earth 40 days and 40 nights; 7:4 destroy every living substance off the face of the earth; 8:21 not again curse the ground for man’s sake; 8:21 not again smite every living thing with a flood; 9:5, 6 require blood for blood (life for life); 9:15, 16 remember His covenant with Noah and every living creature of all flesh; 9:16 look upon the bow in the cloud; 12:1 show Abram a land (Canaan); 12:2 make a great nation from Abram (Hebrews); 12:2 bless Abram and make his name great; 12:3 bless or curse those who bless or curse Abram; 12:7; 13:14, 15, 17 give the land of Canaan to Abram and his seed forever; 13:16 make Abram’s seed numberless as the dust of the earth; 15:14 judge Egypt; 16:10 multiply Hagar’s seed exceedingly; 17:2 make His covenant with Abram and multiply him exceedingly; 17:6 make Abraham exceeding fruitful and make nations and kings from him; 17:7 establish His covenant with Abraham and his seed; 17:8 give all the land of Canaan to Abraham and his seed; and be their God; 17:16 give Abraham a son from Sarah; 17:16 bless Sarah and make her a mother of nations and kings; 17:19 establish His covenant with Isaac and his seed; 17:20 make Ishmael fruitful and multiply him exceedingly and make him a great nation; 17:21 establish His covenant with Isaac; 18:10, 14 return unto Abraham and Sarah at the time appointed (the time of life); 18:19 bring upon Abraham that which He had spoken of him; 18:21go down to see Sodom and Gomorrah; 18:21 know if Sodom and Gomorrah did according to the cry of it; 18:26 spare Sodom for the sake of 50 righteous within the city; 18:28 not destroy Sodom for 45 righteous; 18:29 not (destroy) Sodom for 40 righteous; 18:30 not (destroy) Sodom for 30 righteous; 18:31 not destroy Sodom for 20 righteous; 18:32 not destroy Sodom for 10 righteous; 19:14 destroy Sodom; 21:13 make a nation of Ishmael; 21:18 make Ishmael a great nation; 22:2 tell Abraham on which mountain to sacrifice Isaac; 22:8 provide Himself a lamb for a burnt offering; 22:17 bless Abraham and multiply his seed; 24:7 give the land of Canaan to Abraham’s seed; 24:40 send His angel with Abraham’s servant and prosper his way; 26:3 be with and bless Isaac; 26:3, 4 give all the land of the Philistines to Isaac and his seed; 26:3 perform the oath He gave to Abraham; 26:4 make Isaac’s seed multiply like the stars; 26:4 bless all the nations of the earth by Isaac’s seed (Jews to Jesus to Christians); 26:24 bless Isaac and multiply his seed for Abraham’s sake; 28:13 give the land (of Canaan) to Jacob and his seed; 28:15 keep Jacob in all places where he goes; 28:15 bring Jacob again into Canaan; 28:15 not leave Jacob; 31:3 be with Jacob; 32:9 deal well with Jacob; 32:12 surely do Jacob good and make his seed as the sand of the sea; 35:12 give Canaan to Jacob and his seed; 41:32 bring to pass Pharaoh’s dreams; 46:3 make a great nation of Jacob in Egypt; 46:4 go down to Egypt with Jacob; 46:4 bring Jacob up (out of Egypt); 48:4 make Jacob fruitful and multiply him; 48:4 make of Jacob a multitude of people; 48:4 give Canaan to Jacob’s seed; 50:24, 25 visit the Israelites and bring them out of Egypt into Canaan

Man Will – 45:18 (Pharaoh W) give Jacob’s household the good of the land of Egypt; 48:9 (Jacob W) bless Joseph’s sons


God Withheld – 20:6 Abimelech from sinning

Man Withheld – 22:12, 16 (Abraham W) not his son from God


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