The churches of Christ Greet You (Romans 16:16)



1.  To understand this point, there are some other matters with which we must be familiar.
    a.  All authority inherently resides in God,
    b.  by virtue of the fact that God is the creator of the world and all things therein, including man
            (Genesis 1-3; Romans
2.  He (God) gave all authority in heaven and on earth to Jesus Christ, His Son (Matt. 28:18-20).
    a.  In turn, Christ sent the Holy Spirit upon the apostles to guide them into all the truth
14:26; 16:13; Acts 2:1-41).
    b.  Thus, Christ delegated God’s authority to the apostles
    c.  so they could reveal His word (truth) to man.
3.  The apostles laid hands on other men of the first century
    a.  that they might receive miraculous power from the Holy Spirit, thus becoming prophets,
    b.  with the power to also reveal the word of God by inspiration (1 Cor.
2:12-14; Eph. 3:5; Acts 8).
        1.  For a time, then, the word of God was in inspired men,
        2.  who were able to infallibly preach the Gospel of Christ.

4.  With the passing of time, these men (the apostles and prophets)
    a.  wrote the various books of the New Testament.
    b.  The word of God was then in the inspired book (Eph. 3:5; 2 Tim.
5.  Today, there are no inspired men;
    a.  there is no one who has any miraculous gift of the Holy Spirit.
    b.  Today, we have the inspired book, the Bible,
    c.  and no religious act is pleasing to God which is not authorized by this book (2 John 9-11).

6.  The truth of the Bible was recognized as authoritative by the early church.
    a.  They obeyed this truth in becoming Christians (Acts
    b.  They then lived their daily lives in harmony with this truth (Acts
    c.  They recognized that any action not authorized by the truth - the word of God - was sinful (Gal. 1:6-9).

7.  Not only is the Bible authoritative; it is also sufficient (READ 1 Cor. 13:10; 2 Tim. 3:16-17; James 1:25).
    a.  There is thus no need for any further revelation (cf. Jude 3).
    b.  There is no need for the Book of Mormon or the Catholic catechism.
    c.  There is no need for the Baptist manual or the Presbyterian confession of faith.
    d.  Men must learn not to go beyond the things which are written in the Bible (1 Cor. 4:6).
8.  Among other things, the Bible is sufficient to teach man what to do to become a Christian,
    a.  and how to live the Christian life,
    b.  including all Christian work and worship.

9.  Since no man can be pleasing to God unless he does what the Bible authorizes
    a.  (whether it be a matter which is obligatory or is merely optional),
    b.  another important question is, How Does The Bible authorize?
10. Lord willing, we will answer that question in section VI,
    a.  but the crucial thing to note is that to reject Biblical authority is to reject Christianity.
    b.  To reject Christianity is to reject Jesus Christ.
    c.  To reject Jesus Christ is to reject the only way of salvation from sin which exists
            (John 3:3-5; Acts
4:12; 2 Thess. 1:7-9; Rev. 20:10-15).
11. No matter how sincere and religious he may be,
    a.  no man who rejects the inspiration, the inerrant, the all-sufficiency,
    b.  and the authority of the Bible can be regarded rightly as a faithful child of God (cf. Matt. 7:13-23).
12. The Bible is the word of God, and TRUE Christianity is the religion of Biblical authority.


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